Limbaugh: “I'm colorblind ... I treat everybody equally” Written by Media Matters Staff Published 10/12/09 4:37 PM EDT From the October 12 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show: Video file Video Player Media error: Format(s) not supported or source(s) not foundDownload File: to facebookShare to twitterShare to email00:0000:0000:00Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Share Previously: Limbaugh: “Obama has disowned his white half ... he's decided he's got to go all in on the black side” Limbaugh “kind of like[s]” analogy that Obama “is the Donovan McNabb of the U.S. Senate” Limbaugh called “Barack Hussein Obama” a “half-minority” Limbaugh on Obama: “Halfrican American” Latching onto L.A. Times op-ed, Limbaugh sings “Barack, The Magic Negro” Limbaugh calls Walsh “The Magic Honky,” says she is the “real racist”