Limbaugh Lashes Out: “It's Not My Job To Get Votes For” GOP Candidates, “Damn it, It's Theirs”

Rush Limbaugh: “I'm Not The Leader Of The Conservative Movement. I've Never Sought That”

From the February 16 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show:

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CALLER: I just wanted to call because I am listening to this and I am a huge anti-establishment, cannot stand all of that, but yet I still don't get it with the Trump thing because he doesn't stand for our conservative beliefs and values whereas there is a candidate who does. Cruz stands up for what we believe in and he has anti-establishment so I don't understand how Trump can continue to say anything, especially have the audacity to support Planned Parenthood and all that he did on Saturday. And then it's still the people won't leave him who consider themselves to be conservative when there is a very viable option. So I'm hoping you can help me understand.

RUSH LIMBAUGH: One thing, let me say this again and I need to hear me this time. The majority of Trump's support base is not the Republican base.


CALLER: So what is it going to take to wake everybody up and cross that line, if Trump comes in and makes it big in South Carolina in this primary, then what is it going to take. Is it just a done deal? What do you think it's going to take?

LIMBAUGH: To do what?

CALLER: To then wake everybody up to switch over and you said the slumber --

LIMBAUGH: You see Wendy I think everybody is awake on our side. I think that this is what you got to come to -- everybody's awake. And there are a lot of people -- look you're putting me in a very difficult position here.

CALLER: Sorry.

LIMBAUGH: No no no. I'm not complaining to you. You don't know -- because I don't wear my blood on my sleeve. I don't bleed and whine and moan and complain to the audience about things that happen to me because I don't -- I'm bigger than that. But you would not believe the number of people that are coming at me as though all of this is my fault. That I could have stopped this way back when if I would've just been a leader. If I would've done just this or that. I have been sitting around observing. I have been a conservative all my life. I have been doing this radio program as a conservative for 27 years. There is no doubt anywhere all across this country who I am and what I stand for. There is no misunderstandings -- well there might be some misunderstandings among people that don't listen, but there's no misunderstanding that I am a conservative and that -- well arguably Mr. Big of the vast right-wing conspiracy. This is -- it's a challenging position I'm in here because there's some things I probably shouldn't say. I've got two responsibilities here folks. I've got my responsibility to you the audience, which I put at number one. My responsibility to this program, my career, my job -- not my career but this is the thing that I've chosen to do. There are all kinds of people who depend on me doing it and doing it well. That's my number one focus. I'm not the leader of the conservative movement. I've never sought that. I'm not denying any - so already right there, “wait a minute, you mean you've been lying to us.” No I haven't been lying to you. It's not my job to get votes for people, damn it, it's theirs. What more do you want me to do?


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