Limbaugh: The left fails to criticize Michelle Obama's trip to Spain because of “vacation affirmative action”

By Mike Burns

Rush Limbaugh kicked off today's show by making the absurd claim that the Obama administration had purposely created the current economic situation and that “nobody in their right mind would continue these policies if their objective was to grow the economy.” Rush then turned his attention to the $26 billion education funding bill, which he explained is the “short con”; the “long con” is the entire Obama administration. He also decried the bill as “nothing more than another slush fund ... aimed at local and state union workers.”

Rush also spent an inordinate amount of time attacking Michelle Obama -- whom he repeatedly referred to as “Mooch-elle” -- over her vacation to Spain. Rush lambasted her for traveling with “a personal staff of 24 ... to administer to friends whose father's gynecologist [sic] passed away.”

Rush later added that the left has a “collective guilt” over “our nation's slave” and discriminatory past that animates much of what they do, including many sportswriters. Rush stated that Michelle Obama is “descended from slaves ... as leftists have pointed out,” adding that “for years,” powerful people have been able to “game the system” and have fine meals and fine wine. Rush continued: “It's only fair, and it's only right that members of an abused minority now get their share of the pie. How -- it's like vacation affirmative action, and the left and the media not dare going to be critical o f this.” He also complained of a double standard between the way Laura Bush and Sarah Palin were treated on the one hand and Michelle Obama on the other, opining: “I do believe not only is there a racial component, but there's an ideological component.”

Rush later returned to economic matters -- namely, how “Obama's economic team” has “failed” and how the government can only redistribute and destroy wealth. He complained that the Obama administration has not even “had to think of anything” because “they're just following the blueprint of Karl Marx” and that “the country is more divided than it's ever been -- well, short of the Civil War." Rush continued to attack the education funding bill as “a slush fund” that is “not about saving jobs” but ensuring votes for the Democratic Party.

Here are some highlights from today's show:

Limbaugh: Education funding bill is the “short con”; entire Obama administration is the “long con”

Limbaugh's mature attack on Ground Zero mosque: Make fun of imam's name

Referring to Michelle Obama as “Mooch-elle,” Limbaugh continues to attack her over Spain trip

Limbaugh mockingly affects 12-year-old girl's voice in continued attack on Obamas' Spain vacation

Rush: To “people like Obama,” Pensacola is “the redneck Riviera”

Limbaugh: Economic situation “is purposeful”; “Nobody in their mind would continue these policies” to grow economy

Limbaugh: “The country is more divided than it's ever been -- well, short of the Civil War”

Limbaugh: The left fails to criticize Michelle Obama's trip to Spain because of “vacation affirmative action”