Limbaugh Names Next Right-Wing Target, Smears All Of SEIU With One Person's Actions

Rush says SEIU-affiliated child molester is part of “Obama's America”

By Greg Lewis

Rush opened his show today with a “comedy” skit featuring an announcement by Vladimir Putin thanking Obama for his decision to shift direction on the missile shield in Eastern Europe, while also calling it “strategically stupid.” Then Rush went on complaining about Health and Human Services “Sexretary” Kathleen Sebelius giving "sneezing lessons" from the White House. Rush had some fun mocking “elitist snobs” who tell us to sneeze into our arms. Then Rush read the results from the latest Rasmussen poll on health care reform, showing that 56 percent now oppose Obama's efforts.

Next, he referred to an article by Ariana Huffington about why modern women are unhappy. Rush quipped that if women were happy, Oprah would be broke. Then he pulled up a story about the National Park Service shutting off the St. Louis Gateway Arch lights at night for the next two weeks for the benefit of migrating birds. Rush wanted to see statistics of birds “running into” the Arch to show why they need this.

Then Rush brought up a story about a former local SEIU leader being sentenced on charges of child molestation, possession of child pornography, and manufacturing child pornography. Rush declared that this case was another example of “Obama's America”:

LIMBAUGH: This is Obama's America. This is from one of Obama's closest union allies. I mean, the left -- the drive-bys had a group orgasm over a few emails that Mark Foley sent to a grown-up person. They drummed him out of town, and you have to scratch the surface to find any news of this story, the SEIU.

We feel it's most appropriate to leave this alone, but we're going to point out that the Foley scandal did not involve inappropriate emails to a “grown-up person,” but emails to congressional pages aged 16 and 17.

After the break, Rush mused more on the St. Louis bird story, and then moved on to ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis on C-SPAN's Washington Journal. Lewis accused ACORN video mastermind James O'Keefe of being racist for his pimp and prostitute scam. Rush defended the conservative O'Keefe and said it was rather the left that wants to focus on race and grouping people.

Then Rush spent some time addressing false local DC reports that he would be speaking at the Values Voters Summit this weekend. Before another commercial time-out, Rush read from a Dana Milbank column about Michelle Obama's visit to the new White House farmer's market. Rush was amazed the Washington Post ran the story.

Rush on secret Obama ploy to cover illegal immigrants: “That's how he's gonna insure the illegals, he's gonna just -- amnesty program is just gonna come along”

Coming back from the break, Rush talked about Public Policy Polling's Tom Jenson on a Raleigh, North Carolina, radio station discussing how Democratic strategists have been requesting that his polling firm not conduct polls, because it would show what bad shape Democrats were in.

Then Rush got to Obama being heckled at his rally in College Park, Maryland, yesterday -- but was quickly sidetracked to talk about health care and illegal immigrants. He played a clip from Obama's speech to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus about immigration reform. Rush responded:

LIMBAUGH: Translate that: He's going to make the illegals legal, he's gonna do amnesty. Everyone knows this, predicted this. That's how he's gonna insure the illegals. He's gonna just -- amnesty program is just gonna come along, and he pretty much admits it there to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute 32nd annual award gala.

Next, Rush read reports from The New York Times and ABC News' Rick Klein about Obama being everywhere. Then it was finally back to the College Park heckler.

Rush: "I wouldn't put it past Pelosi to maybe want to try to create some violence with this"

After another break, Rush took the first caller of the show, who called Pelosi a hypocrite. Rush interrupted the caller to play audio bites of the state-run media “falling for” Pelosi's tears. Rush exclaimed that it was “fake” because people with Botox cannot cry. Rush said the media fell for it just like they fell for Hillary Clinton crying during the 2008 primaries. Rush played a sound bite of that occasion as well and labeled it “tears of a clown.” The caller went on to rebut Pelosi's statements by bringing up examples of Democrats saying hateful things. Rush agreed, and said he was “very suspicious” of Pelosi's sentiment:

LIMBAUGH: Because I think they think there's going to be some, and they're setting the table now so they can point fingers of blame. Just like they're charging racism to excuse any failures of Obama. “Oh, it's not his ideas, it's not his agenda, it's not his personality, no, no, no, no. The only reason Obama failed is because of racists rule America.” That's what they're setting up. And all this talk about violence, they're they ones with the hate-filled rhetoric, they're the ones who did movies of assassinating Bush. They're the ones who wrote books on assassinating Bush. They're the ones that set up climates of violence. They benefit from 'em. These are the people of chaos. So she's out there, she's just playing a strategic game here. I wouldn't put it past Pelosi to maybe want to try to create some violence with this.

Rush: “I said, jokingly, segregate the buses to protect the black students so they wouldn't be taunted”

The second hour started with Rush making an observation about Ann Curry interviewing Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Rush said Curry looked like Ahmadinejad's wife. Rush also chuckled over Wolf Blitzer having done quite poorly during a recent celebrity edition of Jeopardy.

Then Rush went on to the following remarks he made on Tuesday's show about a school bus fight:

LIMBAUGH: I think not only it was racism, it was justifiable racism. I mean, that's the lesson we're being taught here today. Kid shouldn't have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses -- it was invading space and stuff. This is Obama's America.

Rush said that a lot of websites had taken seriously the remarks which he made in a “joking fashion.” Rush aired Howard Dean's comments on him last night, calling Dean a kook. Then he went to “genuine, off the wall lunatic” Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center criticizing Limbaugh for his segregation remarks. Rush rejected Potok, claiming the “race tumult” was actually coming out of the White House:

LIMBAUGH: It's incredible. This whole race tumult is being orchestrated and run out of the White House, straight out of Rahm Emanuel and Axelrod's office. They are promoting it; they are encouraging it. Isn't it amazing? You have black kids who beat up a white kid on a school bus, that's not racism. You have half the country criticizing a socialist health care plan, and that is racism.

Then Rush continued to defend his segregation remarks:

LIMBAUGH: I'm doing a total parodical rant -- I mean, the sarcasm is dripping. And this bottom-feeder at the Southern Poverty Law Center, Mark Potok, is putting it all out there that I made a call for segregated buses.

Rush compared this to an incident in the 1990s when Rep. Pat Schroeder took Rush's GOPAC speech seriously and denounced Rush for saying he'd buy his mother a can opener to eat the dog food that she would be forced to buy on social security.

After the break, Rush continued to discuss his remarks about the school bus incident:

LIMBAUGH: The point of that school bus riff -- do I have to play this again? I was saying the black kids were justified beating up the one white kid because he was obviously racist. They knew that he was sitting there thinking N-word, they knew he was sitting there thinking all kinds of rotten things about 'em, they just know this because Newsweek magazine just said the kid was born a racist, so they were entitled to beat the kid up because they knew he was a racist, because our society -- it's Obama's America. White people are racist. And I said, jokingly, segregate the buses to protect the black students so they wouldn't be taunted.

After taking a laudatory caller, Rush came up with an idea:

LIMBAUGH: Where's Mine Nifong when we need him? I mean, what seminal character could best symbolize the fall into total racism that half the country's -- bring Mike Nifong, make him attorney general. Get rid of Holder, put him somewhere else. Make Mike Nifong Attorney General, that's what Obama needs to do.

It was only a few months ago that Rush was incessantly referring to President Obama as "Barack Nifong." Anyway, the next caller told Rush he wanted to vote out all the incumbents of both parties in Congress. Rush wasn't as enthusiastic about the idea as the caller.

After another break, Rush returned to Ann Curry's interview of Ahmadinejad and played some of the audio of it. Then Rush moved on to a CNN article about a tea party protester's sign depicting Obama as a witch doctor. After generally mocking the article, Rush said the picture actually looked to him like Obama's half brother living in a hut in Kenya. The next caller on the program extolled Rush's idea to set up a “Rush village” in Africa, and offered to donate money and dog food to the cause of helping Kenyans.

One more break for the hour, and Rush was back talking about supposedly overpriced carbon offsets being offered at San Francisco International Airport. Next, he claimed there was a footnote in the Baucus bill that taxed tampons, condoms, and other “medical devices.” Surprisingly, we agreed with the next caller, who explained that New Orleans Saints QB Drew Brees was “amazing.” No disagreement there, seeing as he almost single-handedly carried our fantasy football team through Week 1.

Rush says he doesn't want Obama “screwing with a perfectly fine health care system”

Rush got hour three going by replaying the same Putin-themed comedy skit from the top of the show. Then Rush proceeded to remind his audience of Obama's foreign background. Emphasizing the Obama family otherness, Rush read a London Evening Standard article about Obama's “broken promise” to his family in Kenya.

Then Rush moved on to an amendment to a House bill to defund ACORN. He aired an interview with Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) saying the provision would likely be removed in conference committee.

Next, Rush took on Michelle Obama's speech to women's advocacy leaders to make the case that health care reform is a “women's issue.” Rush aired a portion of the speech where Michelle Obama talked about an occasion when then-4-month-old Sasha was sick and their pediatrician advised her and her husband to take their daughter to the ER. Michelle said in her speech that she thought at the time what would have happened if they did not have insurance.

Rush all but called Michelle Obama a liar, accusing her of not actually thinking about their insurance at the time. The next clip he aired featured the First Lady arguing how health care reform was a women's issue. Rush responded:

LIMBAUGH: Oh my God -- you're blessed. In the first place, her husband doesn't have a plan. In the second place, of the two plans which are out there, you will lose your private insurance. That is their objective. Is she on the verge of tears here or just acting like it?

Rush went on to accuse Obama of having had a “no show” patronage job at a hospital back in Chicago.

After the break, Rush complained about a St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial about his segregated bus remarks. Rush said the editorial put his words “in context” but still managed to “get it wrong.”

But then it was quickly back to Michelle Obama's speech:

LIMBAUGH: What a day. You notice that Michelle-my-belle was almost in tears in that speech at the White House? Is that how you appeal to feminists, is you cry?

Rush said that the Obamas should be thankful that they “have doctors, and nurses, and technologies, and medicines developed by our capitalist system to help your daughter.” He went on:

LIMBAUGH: Instead, you and your husband running around trashing the very health care system that saved your daughter. And it would help now and then -- just once, maybe just once -- if you and your husband could acknowledge that no one dies in the gutter in this nation, unlike other countries. If you could just acknowledge the decency of our health care system, you or your husband, just one time. Michelle Obama and her husband want to take the very system that helped their daughter eight years ago and they want to trash it, they want to destroy it, and for what?

We find it, uh, interesting, that Rush would claim “no one dies in the gutter in this nation,” seeing as CNN reported today how a study found 45,000 American deaths each year can be attributed to lack of insurance. Rush stated a few moments later that we currently have a “perfectly fine health care system”:

LIMBAUGH: The American people don't want what your husband wants to bless us with, Michelle. We don't want to be blessed, because your definition of blessed actually means screwed. And we don't want to be screwed, and we don't' want you and your husband screwing with a perfectly fine health care system.

And by the way, if health care -- she said it -- if health care is a women's issue, then we oughta tax tampons. I mean, that's how you say that. If it's going to be a women's issue, fine and dandy, tax tampons.

Rush then returned to the article about Obama's Kenyan family, which he pointed out referred to Obama's grandfather as a witch doctor. Rush read from page 214 of Obama's Dreams from My Father, in which Obama described his grandfather as an herbalist, not witch doctor. Returning from the next commercial break, Rush joked that this passage was Obama's answer to health care reform -- to import herbalists and witch doctors from Kenya. (What did we say earlier about Limbaugh emphasizing Obama's otherness?)

Then Rush took a few shots at Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) for being a liberal blue-blood Rockefeller Republican who doesn't believe in the conservative virtues she talks about. The next caller on the show talked about the White House being in serious crisis and playing the race card. This led Rush into his usual rant about Obama wanting crisis in order to rebuild America:

LIMBAUGH: They're angling to get as much chaos and angst as they can. They want as many people on some form of government dependence as they can get. And to get to degree of that they desire, you've got to do a lot of damage to the private sector, where people normally get their jobs. That's why I think it's going to be a long time before there's a real uptick here.

The next caller complained about new EPA regulations being imposed on organic farmers, as she relayed a story from her friend who was an organic farmer. Rush tried his hardest not to insult the caller's friend's profession, but did so anyway, calling it a scam. Rush finished off the week's broadcasting with a caller requesting that producer Bo Snerdley do more segments on the show where he plays the official Obama criticizer. Rush promised a segment with Snerdley next week.

Zachary Aronow and Zachary Pleat contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.


Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: Former union official and California Department of Insurance employee, sentenced Tuesday to 25 years in prison after entering no-contest pleas to charges of child molestation, possession of child pornography, and manufacturing child pornography. I mean -- Enrique Feliciano, who served as a chapter president of the Service Employees International Union Local 1000, had previous convictions for child molestation and failure to register as a sex offender.

LIMBAUGH: This is Obama's America. This is from one of Obama's closest union allies. I mean, the left -- the drive-bys had a group orgasm over a few emails that Mark Foley sent to a grown-up person. They drummed him out of town, and you have to scratch the surface to find any news of this story, the SEIU.


LIMBAUGH: Translate that: He's going to make the illegals legal, he's gonna do amnesty. Everyone knows this, predicted this. That's how he's gonna insure the illegals. He's gonna just -- amnesty program is just gonna come along, and he pretty much admits it there to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute 32nd annual award gala.


LIMBAUGH: Lookit, I can understand Pelosi's sentiment, but I am very suspicious of it.

CALLER: Well, I am too.

LIMBAUGH: Because I think they think there's going to be some, and they're setting the table now so they can point fingers of blame. Just like they're charging racism to excuse any failures of Obama. “Oh, it's not his ideas, it's not his agenda, it's not his personality, no, no, no, no. The only reason Obama failed is because of racists rule America.” That's what they're setting up. And all this talk about violence, they're they ones with the hate-filled rhetoric, they're the ones who did movies of assassinating Bush. They're the ones who wrote books on assassinating Bush. They're the ones that set up climates of violence. They benefit from 'em. These are the people of chaos. So she's out there, she's just playing a strategic game here. I wouldn't put it past Pelosi to maybe want to try to create some violence with this.


LIMBAUGH: It's incredible. This whole race tumult is being orchestrated and run out of the White House, straight out of Rahm Emanuel and Axelrod's office. They are promoting it; they are encouraging it. Isn't it amazing? You have black kids who beat up a white kid on a school bus, that's not racism. You have half the country criticizing a socialist health care plan, and that is racism.


LIMBAUGH: By the way, where's Mike Nifong when you need -- I mean, this country's descending [laughter] we need [laughter] we need Mike Nifong. No, how can they misinterpret this? We need Nifong back. [laughter] Where's Mine Nifong when we need him? I mean, what seminal character could best symbolize the fall into total racism that half the country's -- bring Mike Nifong, make him attorney general. Get rid of Holder, put him somewhere else. Make Mike Nifong Attorney General, that's what Obama needs to do.


LIMBAUGH: Oh my God -- you're blessed. In the first place, her husband doesn't have a plan. In the second place, of the two plans which are out there, you will lose your private insurance. That is their objective. Is she on the verge of tears here or just acting like it?


LIMBAUGH: What a day. You notice that Michelle-my-belle was almost in tears in that speech at the White House? Is that how you appeal to feminists, is you cry? I -- you know, Michelle, you didn't think -- first thought you had when first told your daughter might have meningitis, “Oh, thank God we've got insurance.” Not thank God you've got insurance, thank God you have doctors and nurses and technologies, medicines developed by our capitalist system to help your daughter. That's what you need to be thankful of.

Instead, you and your husband running around trashing the very health care system that saved your daughter. And it would help now and then -- just once, maybe just once -- if you and your husband could acknowledge that no one dies in the gutter in this nation, unlike other countries. If you could just acknowledge the decency of our health care system, you or your husband, just one time. Michelle Obama and her husband want to take the very system that helped their daughter eight years ago and they want to trash it, they want to destroy it, and for what?


LIMBAUGH: The American people don't want what your husband wants to bless us with, Michelle. We don't want to be blessed, because your definition of blessed actually means screwed. And we don't want to be screwed, and we don't' want you and your husband screwing with a perfectly fine health care system.

And by the way, if health care -- she said it -- if health care is a women's issue, then we oughta tax tampons. I mean, that's how you say that. If it's going to be a women's issue, fine and dandy, tax tampons.


LIMBAUGH: They're angling to get as much chaos and angst as they can. They want as many people on some form of government dependence as they can get. And to get to degree of that they desire, you've got to do a lot of damage to the private sector, where people normally get their jobs. That's why I think it's going to be a long time before there's a real uptick here.

Rush in CYA mode

LIMBAUGH: I'm doing a total parodical rant -- I mean, the sarcasm is dripping. And this bottom-feeder at the Southern Poverty Law Center, Mark Potok, is putting it all out there that I made a call for segregated buses.


LIMBAUGH: The point of that school bus riff -- do I have to play this again? I was saying the black kids were justified beating up the one white kid because he was obviously racist. They knew that he was sitting there thinking N-word, they knew he was sitting there thinking all kinds of rotten things about 'em, they just know this because Newsweek magazine just said the kid was born a racist, so they were entitled to beat the kid up because they knew he was a racist, because our society -- it's Obama's America. White people are racist. And I said, jokingly, segregate the buses to protect the black students so they wouldn't be taunted.

Enemies list

LIMBAUGH: Now, let's get to this Potok kook. This guy is a genuine, off-the-wall lunatic. He is at the Southern Poverty Law Center. He was on Hard Boiled last night with Chris Matthews. And this guy Potok, he is an embarrassment of a human being. He is claiming I actually want segregation on buses.


LIMBAUGH: OK, there you heard this despicable embarrassment of a human being Mark Potok from the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project.


LIMBAUGH: This guy Potok, in addition to being ugly, has no humor whatsoever.