By Mike Burns
Rush Limbaugh opened his show by decrying the latest employment report and falsely claiming that “the stimulus bill” is “an utter failure.” Rush then attacked President Obama's appearance (again), asserting that “the only thing growing is Obama's ears, his nose, and federal employment.”
Discussing Obama's immigration policy address at American University, Rush accused Obama of “play[ing] the race card,” and stated, “The Arizona law is practically word for word what the federal law is, which is not being enforced.” Rush went on to say that amnesty is “headed our way,” and “it is the largest voter registration drive in American history.” Rush then floated the theory that Obama “wants to create an illegal alien bill of rights” and “expand” the rights of terrorists and spies while “infring[ing] upon” the rights of American citizens.
Rush also spent some time disparaging Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, claiming that she disavows the Declaration or Independence and “is throwing the Constitution down the toilet.” He further said that Kagan is “intellectually vapid,” and “any vote for Kagan is a vote for Obama's agenda.”
Additionally, Rush hyped unsubstantiated allegations made by GOP activist and former Justice Department attorney J. Christian Adams that the DOJ improperly dismissed voter-intimidation charges against members of the New Black Panther Party for political reasons. Rush opined that the dismissal of cases against black defendants is “the natural course of events” given that the U.S. has a black president and attorney general.
Here are some highlights from today's show: