Limbaugh on Obama Nuclear Rreview: “Here Comes Dr. Kevorkian ... Committing National Suicide”

By Kate Conway

Rush's primary focus in the first part of his show today was President Obama's newly announced nuclear posture review. Rush introduced the topic by likening Obama's nuclear policy to an imagined policy that would forbid the Secret Service from shooting at an attacker who had a prior criminal record. Rush's view was that the since the United States has not suffered a nuclear attack, the previous policy was working well. Obama's policy, Rush stated, was a “roll back of the Reagan Revolution,” and with it Obama is "undermining our national defense." Rush falsely suggested that countries like Iran would be able to attack us via biological weapons without fear of retaliation, when in fact the review carves out exceptions for states (such as Iran) that are not in compliance with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. He drew a comparison to the period after World War I, saying that if we had kept our military built up we would've been able to react to Hitler earlier. His conclusion was that Obama's policy will actually “lead to more nukes.”

Rush also spent a significant amount of time criticizing Obama on the topic of baseball. First, he went after Obama's pitch at the Nationals game, amending previous comments to state that “not even a girl” throws like Obama. He then attacked Obama's White Sox loyalty, claiming that he is unable to name any White Sox players, before launching into a tirade against the president's pronunciation of Comiskey Park. The “leader of the regime," he complained, is “literally clueless” about America's national pastime; he “doesn't know diddly-squat.” Rush wondered if Obama was purposely mispronouncing the park's name, but also stated that he's been told some of the “ethnic” population of Chicago pronounces it “Cominskey” -- people Obama might have been hanging around with as he was growing up, organizing and agitating.

The final topic Rush delved into was the health care legislation. Rush raised fears about the outsourcing of the medical industry to India. He also laughed about con artists selling fake insurance policies. He characterized this fraud as a practical joke, insisting that he didn't actually want people to get ripped off, then said that the fraudsters were just getting their money back instead of waiting for an IRS refund. He also offered some advice on the most practical way to avoid purchasing health care: Make sure you adjust your withholdings so that you owe the IRS money at the end of the year instead of the other way around, because then the IRS can't take the fine for failing to purchase health insurance out of your refund.

Here are some highlights from the show:

Rush on Obama nuclear review: “Here comes Dr. Kevorkian...committing national suicide.”

Rush says Obama “has done a great job of undermining our national defense”

Rush claims Obama nuclear review is a “roll back of the Reagan revolution”

Limbaugh forwards claim that “not even a girl” throws like Obama

Rush claims Obama's nuclear review “is going to lead to more nukes”

Rush is “laughing at” con-artists peddling fake insurance “because it's an unintended consequence of the regime”

Kitty Kaletsky contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.