Limbaugh: Obama thinks “profit is rape”

From the June 24 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show:

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LIMBAUGH: Private-sector health covers -- or health care givers, doctors, nurses, insurance companies have to make a profit to stay in business. Obama's business doesn't have to show a profit. They're not going to stay in business. The government is going to end up being it all, by design.

So, Obama looks at the private sector as just a neverending windfall. He looks at profits like surplus value, the same way Marx did. A profit is almost a crime. A profit is a crime against the people. A profit is rape. It's just -- it's surplus value that you can go get. And when you take some entity's profit, then you have been fair, and you have equalized society -- and that's how he looks at it.

I think Obama's a true believer on this stuff.