Limbaugh: Obama thinks “union people” “have effectively been raped by American capitalism, and they have a lot of stuff coming due”

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From the May 6 broadcast of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show:

LIMBAUGH: The point is that this is Barack Obama leveling out the unjust immorality of this country over all these decades.

CALLER: Correct.

LIMBAUGH: He thinks these people should have something for nothing, because they have been raped. The union people and the disadvantaged, the downtrodden, the poor have effectively been raped by American capitalism, and they have a lot of stuff coming due. A lot of stuff is owed to them. How is it -- if you -- Snerdley's looking at me with a look of total stunned disbelief. If I'm wrong about this, I want you to explain something to me.

How is it that in this whole process of saving Chrysler, 55 percent of the company goes to unions who only had 10 percent of the bonds? How are they given 55 percent if they only had a 10-percent stake in the debt of Chrysler? I mean, this whole thing is a thumb in the nose and a cramdown, if you will, of the new way American business is going to be structured if Obama has his hands in it.