By Kate Conway
On The Rush Limbaugh Show today, it was business as usual with Rush's endless attempts to pin blame for the Deepwater Horizon spill onto President Obama. Starting things off, Rush noted the news that the “top kill” method of containing the oil flow might be successful, ominously adding that it was just in time for Obama's press conference, which, Rush falsely claimed, was the first he'd given in 309 days. He also said that scheduling the presser during the day was a classic example of the “regime's” counter-programming, designed to lure listeners away from his show. A moment later, Rush snarked that Obama held his press conference during the day in order to reach his main constituency -- the unemployed. Rush didn't seem aware that this juxtaposition practically begged listeners to wonder who, exactly, comprises Rush's fan base. Rush stated that, were he at the presser, he would ask Obama whether he prefers golf or basketball when avoiding the hard work of the presidency.
Briefly putting aside the oil spill, Rush mocked those who are predicting a severe hurricane season, saying it's an easy prediction to make based on the law of averages, since last year's season was relatively uneventful. Rush then went on to make a prediction of his own: This year, no storms will be categorized as severe hurricanes. Back on the spill, Rush said that the administration is going to ban all drilling, and he compared this to financial reform. Just as Obama is destroying the financial services industry to prevent a recession, he said, the president is going to ban drilling to prevent an oil spill. This must have seemed ridiculous to Rush, who declared that bad things are always going to happen and that we just need to be prepared for them. He downplayed the severity of the oil spill, ridiculously claiming that there are no lasting repercussions from previous spills like the Exxon Valdez and Ixtoc 1.
Rush aired part of Obama's press conference when it began despite an earlier declaration that he would not do so, but he apparently was unable to resist the opportunity to speak over Obama. The most enlightening commentary Rush had to offer was, per usual, a complete distortion of the truth. Rush falsely claimed that the federal government, out of negligence, has failed to allow the construction of berms, or sand walls, that Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal had requested to block the oil. In fact, an Army Corps of Engineers study found there were concerns that berms could push oil into Mississippi and might not even be effective. Later, in trying -- and failing -- to imitate an Obama answer, Rush said that he couldn't because he was unable to make his mind that lazy. In addition to this, Rush had a series of insults to lob at the president, calling him at various intervals throughout the show: the vacationer-in-chief, the oldest 13-year-old in the world, infantile, and a little boy trying to claim credit. He also declared that Obama was “outclassed” by the presidency.
Here are some highlights from today's show:
Limbaugh says Obama “has sided against the people of Arizona”
Limbaugh: Obama is “outclassed by the job” and “infantile”
Sam McCann contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.