Limbaugh: People Like Giusti Are “Mad” Because They Are Being “Raped” By The Government

By Christine Schwen

Rush spent most of today's show by explaining all of the different ways in which President Obama “is Dr. Kevorkian,” building from his claims from earlier in the week. Rush determined that Obama is consumed with his own delusions, that he is intellectually bankrupt, that he's “either incompetent” or raising unemployment “on purpose,” and that Obama “does not like this country.” Rush also claimed that if Obama would treat Iran the way he treats the United States, he would do less damage than he's doing now. Rush was hopeful however, noting that Fox News contributor and Republican pollster Dick Morris has predicted major gains for the GOP in the 2010 elections. (Rush forgot to mention Morris' impressive track record on political predictions.)

Rush also spent a fair amount of the show inciting a class war, calling the fact that 47 percent of Americans don't pay income tax “generational theft” and “worse than anything Bernie Madoff ever thought about doing.” However, Rush didn't mention the fact that in 2006, the most recent data available, the top percentile of earners made 55.7 percent of all pre-tax income, while the bottom 40 percent of earners made only 13.2 percent. Rush added that taxes are going to go up, and that Washington has institutionalized crime and called it compassion, and created a permanent underclass. Later, he stated that Americans are “being raped” by their government. Fortunately, Rush has a solution; he suggested the income tax should be replaced with a Value Added Tax, something Fox News' Glenn Beck said he supported back in November 2009. Rush announced this would be much fairer than the income tax and would be “somewhat discretionary.”

Rush spent much of the rest of the show attacking The Nation (saying the magazine is trying to destroy the country), accusing Obama of “getting rid of our national security a bit,” again complaining about the census and its supplement, and complaining about the “free-loading” people who don't pay federal income taxes. Although, as he clarified to a caller, he may attack welfare recipients -- and people who don't owe any income tax, apparently -- he doesn't ever attack the unemployed.

Here are some of the highlights from today's show:

Limbaugh: Obama is “Dr. Kevorkian” and nation is “being administered statist-assisted suicide”

Limbaugh claims Obama “does not like this country very much” and “he is seeking his revenge”

Limbaugh: People like Giusti are “mad” and “worked up” because they are “being raped” by their government

Limbaugh: Fact that 47% of people don't pay income taxes is “worse than anything Bernie Madoff ever thought about doing”