By Kate Conway
Early on in today's edition of The Rush Limbaugh Show, Media Matters got an exciting -- if rather nonsensical -- shout-out from Rush as he plugged Zev Chafets' fawning and factually challenged book, Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One, which he later admitted to not having read. Complaining about the book's negative reviews, Rush huffily suggested that Media Matters described it in ways that he can't repeat on radio, which could be true -- if Limbaugh has sworn off words like "false" and "dumb." Whether or not he'll say them, Rush indicated within the next few minutes that he was happy to embody such concepts as he began to attack the Obama administration over its response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Suggesting that Obama is too incompetent to deal with the spill, Rush declared that Obama is just an agitator, not a real leader, even by the standards of Saul Alinsky. Ludicrously, Rush criticized Obama's response to the oil spill by comparing it -- unfavorably -- to President Bush's response to Katrina. Forgetting his history, Rush claimed that the Bush government responded to Katrina as soon as it could, whereas Obama is angry about the “distraction” of the oil spill. Rush noted that Obama had a vacation planned and claimed that Obama was “reluctantly” stopping in Louisiana even though he had originally planned to skip a visit.
Rush later accused the administration of political motivation in its response to the spill. He declared that there's no way the Obama administration will let Republicans offer advice or come up with ideas unless Obama is able to take credit. Because Obama will only fix things he gets credit for, Rush said, there's no end to what we can't accomplish. When a caller accused Rush of mocking Obama, Rush denied it, telling her that the facts are “stubborn” and that they speak for themselves. He said that Obama himself was king of mocking, claiming Obama mocks the tea partiers and anyone who doesn't accept the “hoax” of global warming. Not finished with attacking -- but certainly not mocking -- the president, Rush stated that Obama is our first post-American president, and later accused him of aggravating race relations in the country. While on the subject, Rush declared that he is colorblind, a claim he has made about himself before. Finishing the show, Rush offered a brilliant suggestion for balancing the budget: freeze the federal budget for five years, and then we'll be able to catch up! He conceded that this wouldn't ever happen because, he said, the way our legislators demonstrate their power is by spending money. Citing the European financial crisis, Rush said that we are four or five years behind European countries, emulating their financial moves.
Here are some highlights from the show:
Rush claims by supporting Suns' protest, Obama is “siding against the American people”
Limbaugh: “It's time we put our boots on the necks of elected Democrats”
Rush claims Democrats “don't mind” and “want” oil spill because it is “something they can use”
Sam McCann contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.