Limbaugh On Sandusky Case: There Will Be “Fake Alleged Victims” And “All Kinds Of People Trying To Get In On The Money”

From the November 15 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show:

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LIMBAUGH: It looks like a lot of people are trying to shine the light everywhere but on themselves. So, this probably is going to get much worse, too, before it gets better. If there were other victims, they'll be forthcoming. There are going to be fake alleged victims. There are going to be all kinds of people trying to get in on the money that people are going to see possibly to be made here.

It's -- this is not going to go away for a -- and all day long, I've been watching, PMSNBC is practically running excerpts of the Bob Costas interview on NBC last night in a repetitive loop. In a continual loop, going over and over and over again. It's almost as though they know that Sandusky's a Republican.

I don't know what he -- I'm just guessing that MSNBC is hoping and praying that he is, and they hope to make some political connection to this. You know they're thinking that way. And if it turns out Sandusky's a Democrat, we'll never find out. Pure and simple.