Rush: Obama “has a huge problem with this country and has for his entire life”
As egotistical as usual, Rush kicked off his show by mentioning President Obama's press conference with India's prime minister, insinuating that Obama chose to begin the press conference at the exact time Rush's show begins in an attempt to draw people away from El Rushbo. Don't worry, though -- Rush assures us all he has “more drawing power.”
Rush then related that third-quarter gross domestic product has been revised downward to 2.8 percent instead of 3.5 percent, and claimed he predicted this would happen. Rush then shared a article about consumer confidence increasing slightly. Rush then happily pointed out several figures in the article that contradicted the headline.
After claiming that nobody wrote a positive review about Obama's recent trip to Asia, Rush cheerfully related that the Drudge Report “unearthed another picture of Obama bowing,” this time to Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao. Rush then falsely claimed that no other president has ever bowed to foreign leaders.
LIMBAUGH: Oh! And Drudge has unearthed another picture of Obama bowing, this time to the Chinese premier. So, he bowed to two -- he bowed to the Japanese emperor, and he bowed to the Chinese prime minister or pres-- I forget which one. Wen Jintao [sic]. Well, the Chinese understandably got -- no. It's never understandable. American presidents don't bow to anybody. Except this one. It's never happened. Except this one. This one's running around bowing to everybody.
Rush then complained that Fox News was the only television channel to report on “Climategate,” claiming it exposed climate change as nothing more than a hijacking of our foreign policy. Yet again, Rush managed to avoid mentioning that these emails were reportedly stolen, and then later said he “doesn't care” how the information was obtained, either through a hacker or simply released. Back from a break, Rush explained again how liberals live in a universe of lying because of the questions at the Obama press conference about the upcoming Copenhagen climate talks. Rush again claimed the reportedly stolen emails hid information that shows climate change is false and declared that Copenhagen should simply be canceled as a result. As an aside, Media Matters did a little rebutting of false claims about these emails yesterday. Unsurprisingly, Rush then turned to money-losing right-wing rag The Washington Times to rant that scientists could lose credibility if these out-of-context and false allegations ever become mainstream.
Back from the first half-hour break, Rush launched into a rant about how everything in science, academia, and the media is corrupted and how it all serves a political agenda, just because Rush doesn't agree with the results. Rush continued his new favorite theme on the universe of lies that liberals live in, declaring that government, academia, the media, and science are corrupt to the core. Rush read what Obama said about science in his inaugural speech, and then demanded that if Obama really believed what he said, he would declare a national emergency, stop all programs to save the planet, and cancel all tax hikes -- because in Rush's worldview, taxes have everything to do with science. Rush then engaged in yet another diatribe about global warming being a fraud and a hoax -- a theme he returned to throughout his show -- and demanded that Obama “investigate this scam” and “name names” to put science back in its rightful place.
Rush shouts it to the mountaintops: “global warming, climate change -- how loudly do I have to shout it -- is a hoax!”
Rush continued his delusional ranting, apparently convinced he speaks for everybody who is not part of the Obama administration, by declaring that “we are the enemy” of the country now, lamenting that it was no longer Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. He then engaged in what seems like the most glaring example of projection ever:
LIMBAUGH: But if you live in the universe of lies, the last thing that you are governed by is the truth. The last thing you are governed by is reality. The only thing that matters to you is the advancement of your political agenda. And you tell yourself in the universe of lies that your agenda is so important the world will not survive without it and therefore you can lie, cheat, steal, destroy whoever you have to to get your agenda done because your opponents are evil, and in fighting evil, anything goes. There are no rules when you're in a fight with the devil.
After another break, Rush complained that The New York Times and The Washington Post are trying to track down “the whistleblower,” as Rush called the person who reportedly stole these emails, instead of investigating the fraud that Rush insists is exposed in the emails. (He pointedly mentioned at least twice that the emails were “confirmed authentic.”)
Back for his second hour, the Doctor of Demagoguery demanded that the media “track down” Al Gore and interview him about the “fixed science” he still delusionally believes is exposed in the emails. Rush then turned to a blog post at the U.K. Telegraph and an opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal to share yet more dubious claims that these emails are revelatory about climate change. Later during his show, Rush read a Nature News article and was in disbelief that many scientists contacted for the article “doubt that the leak will have a lasting impact.”
Next, apparently forgetting about the existence of Frank Luntz, El Rushbo wondered why anybody would need a “wordsmith” to help shape messaging. After playing comments by Obama about the Copenhagen conference, Rush returned to his incredulous, vehement, repeated, and tiring declarations that global warming is a fraud and a hoax that never existed. Here at the Limbaugh Wire, we cannot emphasize enough how many times he denied that climate change existed throughout today's show. Finally, Rush slightly changed topics:
LIMBAUGH: Nothing is real about health care. Nothing is real in the cap-and-trade legislation. Nothing is real about the stimulus package. Nothing is real about the TARP bailout. All of it is fraudulent. It's all a hoax. Perpetrated by the left knowing full well it's a hoax dressed up as something compassionate and emergency-required to save something, either jobs or the entire financial system of the world or whatever other threat will wipe us all out tomorrow if we don't act tonight. It's all a hoax. Everything the Democrat Party is behind today is a fraud and a lie aimed at separating you from two things: your freedom, your property, and your money.
Rush: Obama “is a small man, folks. This is a small and petty, spoiled little man”
Rush then played a question and answer concerning Obama's upcoming decision on whether to increase the number of troops in Afghanistan and called him “a small and petty, spoiled little man.” Naturally, Rush then turned to former Vice President Dick Cheney to attack Obama.
Back from another break, Rush professed to believe that Obama was hijacking Thanksgiving by having an official state dinner during Thanksgiving week. In his third hour, in response to a caller, Rush nearly screamed about “a tent” being raised for the state dinner tonight. Rush then read a McClatchy story that apparently reveals that Obama will commit an additional 34,000 troops to Afghanistan. Rush then had a caller who compared supposed whistleblowing on these climate science emails, Afghanistan, and the health care bills to the revelation that the Earth is not flat. Quite unsurprisingly, Rush liked this comparison. Later on, Rush complained about Rep. David Obey's proposed surcharge tax to fund the war in Afghanistan, because it includes middle-class taxpayers. Rush declared his hope that the idea that Democrats will tax people making as little as $30,000 a year be “tied like Velcro” to the Democratic Party.
Coming back for another episode of fanatical denial of reality, Rush read an American Spectator post by the Competitive Enterprise Institute's Chris Horner, detailing his intent to sue NASA and the Goddard Institute for Space Studies for their supposed refusal to release documents from a Freedom of Information Act request. Rush then read yet another British newspaper article to bash “quote, 'scientist,' unquote” Michael Mann. Rush was so incensed by Mann that he whined about him at the top of the third hour.
Rush declares that “this hacker” is “a gift from God”
For the beginning of his final hour of the day, Rush apologized for “being a one-trick pony today” and continued to rant about climate change being fake. Rush declared that people don't have to give up their SUVs, old washing machines, or incandescent light bulbs, which are surely near and dear to everyone's hearts. Seemingly unable to escape using Alex Jones' language for the past few days, Rush then claimed, “This issue, global warming, has been one of the foundational building blocks for a future world global government. It has been a way for displaced communists to get their hands on the inner workings of the freedom of the United States of America.” It seemed no aspect of environmentalism was safe from Rush's unrighteous anger today, as later in his show, he ranted against recycling and Dumpster-diving.
Soon after, Rush again cited the Alex Jones article he linked to on his website. Later on, Rush treated us to an explanation of how his belief in God armored him against any possible effects of industrialization and massive consumption of natural resources, and then launched into his most offensive rant of the day:
LIMBAUGH: If you don't believe in God, then you probably are a global warmist or a liberal. You don't believe in the God of Christianity or the God of Judaism or any other God, but you have to make some God, there has to be something bigger than you, and so it's the global warming movement now, or it's health care, or it's Obama, or it's some earthly object that you apply godlike status to. Even atheists believe in something beyond themselves. But the point is, they have used and targeted children, scaring them to death with lies. Ted Turner's been doing it with Captain Planet cartoons, getting kids to hate big business. The left, my friends, is a truly evil bunch.
For the final half-hour of his Tuesday show, Rush joined Andrew Breitbart on the ACORN-bashing bandwagon, treating the “document dump” as a bounty of evidence. Rush, apparently as ignorant as Breitbart of what blackmail is, mentioned that Breitbart is “challenging” Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate ACORN, mocking any allegations of blackmail. Next, Rush played the race card to attack the stimulus and Obama's economic policies.
Seemingly a bit frustrated, Rush again harangued Obey for wanting a war surtax for his final segment of the day. After saying that our various past wars did nothing to end social programs, Rush abruptly reversed course and decided that it was fine if we stopped our current social spending, as long as we dumped it all into Afghanistan. Later, Rush decided to flip-flop again, claiming that Great Society spending was not stopped by the Vietnam War -- complaining that as an “entitlement” -- because it continues to this day. In his final act of projection of the day, Rush labeled Obey a “locoweed” for his views on spending priorities.
Zachary Aronow and Kate Conway contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.
Outrageous comments
LIMBAUGH: The Asian tour should have delighted Obamaites as the proper expression of Obama's philosophy. Two equal nations, neither one more exceptional than the other, or any other, their systems merely different, not better or worse, simply chatting about mutual concerns. And he pretty much I think nails that. Obama is doing what he said he was going to do. He's -- it's -- and it's all, folks, about cutting this country down to size, because he has a huge problem with this country and has for this entire life.
LIMBAUGH: But I don't even know how you can write the story -- I don't know how you can write the story and ignore the proof that global warming, climate change -- how loudly do I have to shout it -- is a hoax! What take -- what does it take for people to understand it is a hoax? But if you live in the universe of lies, the last thing that you are governed by is the truth. The last thing you are governed by is reality. The only thing that matters to you is the advancement of your political agenda. And you tell yourself in the universe of lies that your agenda is so important the world will not survive without it and therefore you can lie, cheat, steal, destroy whoever you have to to get your agenda done because your opponents are evil, and in fighting evil, anything goes. There are no rules when you're in a fight with the devil.
LIMBAUGH: The people behind this health care bill know that everything they're saying about it is not true. It will not lower costs. It will not improve access. It will not improve quality. It will raise taxes. It will force you to give up freedom and put you in jail if you resist. Nothing is real about health care. Nothing is real in the cap-and-trade legislation. Nothing is real about the stimulus package. Nothing is real about the TARP bailout. All of it is fraudulent. It's all a hoax. Perpetrated by the left knowing full well it's a hoax dressed up as something compassionate and emergency-required to save something, either jobs or the entire financial system of the world or whatever other threat will wipe us all out tomorrow if we don't act tonight. It's all a hoax. Everything the Democrat Party is behind today is a fraud and a lie aimed at separating you from two things: your freedom, your property, and your money.
LIMBAUGH: This man is really small. Really tiny. Once again, “after eight years, some of those years in which we did not have, I think, either the resources or the strategy to get the job done, it is my intention to finish the job.” This is a small man, folks. This is a small and petty, spoiled little man.
LIMBAUGH: This issue, global warming, has been one of the foundational building blocks for a future world global government. It has been a way for displaced communists to get their hands on the inner workings of the freedom of the United States of America.
LIMBAUGH: Obama said he wants to restore science to its rightful whatever, then he ought to be leading the way to find out who these people are, what they've done, who they've infected, who went along with them, calling them out by name, making sure that every scientist at every university in this country who's been involved in this is named and fired, drawn and quartered, or whatever it is, because this is a worldwide hoax. And its primary target was you, the people of the United States of America.
LIMBAUGH: If you don't believe in God, then you probably are a global warmist or a liberal. You don't believe in the God of Christianity or the God of Judaism or any other God, but you have to make some God, there has to be something bigger than you, and so it's the global warming movement now, or it's health care, or it's Obama, or it's some earthly object that you apply godlike status to. Even atheists believe in something beyond themselves. But the point is, they have used and targeted children, scaring them to death with lies. Ted Turner's been doing it with Captain Planet cartoons, getting kids to hate big business. The left, my friends, is a truly evil bunch.
America's Truth Rejecter
LIMBAUGH: Oh! And Drudge has unearthed another picture of Obama bowing, this time to the Chinese premier. So, he bowed to two -- he bowed to the Japanese emperor, and he bowed to the Chinese prime minister or pres-- I forget which one. Wen Jintao [sic]. Well, the Chinese understandably got -- no. It's never understandable. American presidents don't bow to anybody. Except this one. It's never happened. Except this one. This one's running around bowing to everybody.