Limbaugh Slams Obama's UN Speech As “Basically A Coup”

Rush on Obama's UN speech: “I would describe what Obama is doing to this country as ”basically a coup"

By Greg Lewis

Rush got Wednesday started apparently “peeved” by President Obama's speech to the UN General Assembly this morning:

LIMBAUGH: Folks, we got sound bites of this. This is scary, dreadful. This man is in the process -- I mean, the mask came off. Obama took the mask off and he is who he is. He was who he is today. He just ripped this country to shreds. He ripped Israel to shreds.

He promised we're no longer going to be a superpower. We're no better, we're no bigger, we're no different than any other nation, and he's going to see to it that this happens. The biggest applause line was when he said that the Israeli settlements are illegitimate. He challenged the legitimacy of them and the place erupted.

After some Gaddafi-bashing, Rush continued to criticize Obama's speech, calling it “basically a coup”:

LIMBAUGH: Obama won this election by 10 million votes, but this is not what he had a mandate to do. This is -- I would describe what Obama is doing to this country is basically a coup. It is just -- it is just frightening. He talks about a new world order, and the new world order is him. Obama is bigger than his country; he's bigger than the presidency; he is the world.

He delivered the United States of America to global powers today, just handed us over on a silver platter without a gunshot. Without a shot being fired, the United States has just surrendered and accepted all of the blame and guilt that the world has - - that's why they love him at the United Nations. They love him -- this collection of tyrants, thugs, weirdoes, perverts -- this collection loves this guy because he doesn't like America, and they don't either.

At one point during his rant, Rush said Obama talked about a “new world order” during his speech -- even though Obama said no such thing. Rush also went on to criticize Obama for saying “America does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements.”

Rush: “Barack Obama is constantly tearing down this country. He is disrespectful of the American people”

Rush also went after Obama for saying: “No world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will succeed,” asking if this meant we should cut off foreign aid to other countries. Then he pulled out Obama's full name in charging that Obama “has contributed nothing to the success of this great nation”:

LIMBAUGH: And I want you to listen to me on this -- I'm going to say this as often as I have to for it to sink in. Barack Hussein Obama, a man who has contributed nothing to the success of this great nation -- Barack Hussein Obama has contributed no greatness himself, has made no contribution whatsoever that has furthered this nation's advancement -- nothing at all.

Instead, Barack Obama is constantly tearing down this country. He is disrespectful of the American people, all who've come before us. He disrespects every president prior to him. He disrespects all who have built this great nation at enormous cost. In his mind, everything prior to his presidency contributed to an unjust and immoral United States of America.

He's contributed nothing. He's a sponge. He simple soaks it up. He is the beneficiary of the greatness -- all the greatness this nation has to offer -- and he trashes this country nevertheless like a spoiled brat, 1960s radical, born of the middle class, but constantly seeking to slay ideological images. I think it is important to point out this man has contributed nothing, not one thing, to the greatness of this country.

Rush claimed he had never heard a UN speech by a U.S. president who referred to his predecessor in a “derogatory” way.

Rush: “We have a disaster on our hands -- it's Barack Obama”

After the break, Rush continued to joke about the rambling speech of Gaddafi, who was speaking at the same time. Rush said he felt like we were televising the events inside a “lunatic asylum,” and Obama was the headmaster. Rush proceeded to air several sound bites from Obama's speech, including one in which Obama was talking about how he “prohibited” torture on his first day in office. Rush responded: “We already banned torture. We don't do it,” and called Obama's comments embarrassing.

After a few more bites, Rush concluded:

LIMBAUGH: This speech is the one he wanted to give. This is why he ran for president: to be president of the world. You, the American people, elected this guy by -- what was the margin? -- 10 million votes. He didn't have this mandate. He was not elected to cut this country down. He was not elected to serve this country up on a silver platter to our enemies and the globalists around the world. We have a disaster on our hands -- it's Barack Obama.

Somebody call the whambulance! Rush moaned that Obama is “ruining” his self-esteem

After another break, Rush went on and on about how Obama's speech today was “ruining” his self-esteem, making him feel worthless and small. Those damn liberals, Rush said, have been telling us for years we need to build up our children's self-esteem. Rush went on to moan about how Obama is telling us how immoral and unjust we've been, and running around telling the world how rotten our country is. Rush warned -- in jest -- that he might have to drop out and join a gang because of his low self-esteem. Rush finished off his self-esteem rant:

LIMBAUGH: Of course he hasn't contributed any problems; he's the Messiah. He's the savior. He's wonderful. He's great. He's going to deliver the United States into a new era where it is cool to hate us, cool to rip us, and he's gonna show the rest of the world how to rip us and how to tear us apart. He's gonna show them how it's done. And the world's gonna applaud. They love Obama, because they hate this country too.

Rush: “Israelis, the Jews, they stink too, according to Obama”

Rush continued with the parade of Obama sound bites, airing some select passages about what Obama had to say about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Rush responded:

LIMBAUGH: Did you hear this? “We continue to emphasize America does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements?” No, Israelis, the Jews, they stink too, according to Obama. Why, they can't build homes for themselves.


LIMBAUGH: And yet, Israel is the problem by building homes for its people to live in. That's illegitimate!

Rush continued to rile up his audience by talking about today's “scary” speech:

LIMBAUGH: I'm telling you when Obama says America does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements, he's not speaking for me. And I don't know how many Americans he is actually speaking for in this dreadfully frightening and scary speech today before the Star Wars bar scene. The world, ladies and gentlemen, is on the brink of destruction. We face, daily, a threat that could wipe us out. What is that threat? Muslim extremists? Terrorists? International thug cartels? No! No. This is the threat.

Rush claimed Obama is “lying to the people of the world about the dangers posed by climate change”

After the next commercial break, Rush set his sites on what Obama said in his speech about climate change. Rush said it was “irresponsible” for Obama to describe the “danger posed by climate change.” Even though it sounded to us like any other description of the effects of climate change we've ever heard, Rush went on to call it outrageous, childish, and juvenile, later adding:

LIMBAUGH: There are people who voted for Obama, thinking all this is gonna happen. And now, he's up there giving this country away, remaking it, reforming it, blaming it for everything that's wrong in the world, cutting it down to what he thinks is its proper size, and then lying to the people of the world about the dangers posed by climate change.

Rush continued to mock Gaddafi some more and said the Libyan leader sounded similar to American Democrats and liberals. Rush concluded the hour with this:

LIMBAUGH: You know, it's a freak show up there, and our president is the lead freak now at the UN. I mean, it's scary.

Rush said “kook” Gaddafi is “inspired” by “kook” Obama

Starting off the second hour, Rush again went on about what a “kook” Muammar Gaddafi is, which really didn't bother us -- until, that is, Rush added:

LIMBAUGH: Now this man is a kook. He is a literal freak, but here's the -- here's the thing: He is inspired by Barack Obama. Obama is the leader of the world's kooks now. Obama is a kook. I am convinced he's a left-wing radical freak. He is no different than the fringe people in his base. He is one of them; he just happens to sound a little smarter. He just happens to sound classically educated, but the man's a loony toon.

Then he picked out the bit from Obama's speech about Iran in order to claim that Obama “kind of said” Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's presidency was legitimate. Of course, you had to be really stretching to come to the same conclusion as Rush, but we'll include what Obama said so you can decide for yourself:

OBAMA: In their actions to date, the governments of North Korea and Iran threaten to take us down this dangerous slope. We respect their rights as members of the community of nations. I've said before and I will repeat, I am committed to diplomacy that opens a path to greater prosperity and more secure peace for both nations if they live up to their obligations.

Rush then said that, in his own inflated ego, Obama “is the president of the world” and he's a “dangerous kook.” Then, talking about how Fidel Castro “loves” Obama, Rush read from a recent New York Times article about how Castro, in the early '80s, apparently urged the Soviet Union to launch a nuclear attack on the United States.

After the break, Rush described how he felt like he was in a James Bond movie:

LIMBAUGH: I feel like an Ernst Stavro Blofeld has taken over the UN and the world and the best spy that we have -- me -- is headed for the gulag. And Eric Holder holds the key. They're going to get rid of the best spies this country has -- now, we're spying on them.

Then Rush took the first caller of the day, who disagreed with Rush's claim that Obama legitimized Ahmadinejad's presidency. Rush backtracked a little, claiming that he didn't say Obama said it in this speech. But in previous speeches, Rush said, Obama “refused to condemn” the fraudulent election. The next caller was more agreeable with Rush. She, too, was appalled by Obama's speech today and her use of the word “ass” inspired Rush to take this shot at Hillary Clinton (again):

LIMBAUGH: The only time I say ass is talking about Hillary's being too big to fit into a military uniform.

Rush still lying about death panels

The next caller said that if Obama gave that speech as a leader of a different country, the U.S. delegation would have walked out. Rush called this a brilliant observation. After another break, Rush read a UK Telegraph article about immortality, then a UK Times piece on carbon emissions rationing. Rush's kneejerk reaction to the word “rationing” was to lie about death panels:

LIMBAUGH: But, I again remind you, 25 years ago, Richard Lam, the then-governor of Colorado, said old people have a duty to die and get out of the way -- and he was savaged for it. He was pelted. He was lampooned, mocked, criticized, said he was cruel. And now, 25 years later, we have a Newsweek cover, “The Case for Pulling the Plug on Granny.” And we have a president who's gonna put death panels in his health care plan to decide who does and who doesn't get treatment.

Then Rush took a caller who agreed with Rush's earlier remarks that what Obama is doing is “basically a coup.” Rush reiterated his point that Obama has “delivered” the U.S. to global powers without a shot being fired. This led him into an extended monologue -- which we've heard dozens of times before -- about American exceptionalism, and how Obama doesn't believe in it.

Following one more break, Rush came back to talk about how “failure” is a resume enhancement for Democrats. Jimmy Carter was an example of this, since he's been nothing but an “embarrassment” and a failure, but Democrats continue to celebrate him. Anyway, Rush explained that Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick is considering appointing Michael Dukakis as interim senator. Rush mocked this idea, describing why he thought Dukakis was a boring loser.

Rush continued with his rambling diatribe about Dukakis at the top of the third hour (did we suddenly go back in time to 1988?). Next, Rush declared victory for having predicted that New York Gov. David Paterson would blame Obama, which as Drudge shouted, Paterson ended up doing. Then it was on to more Gaddafi sound bites, during which Rush made this point:

LIMBAUGH: You know, Gaddafi heads up the African Union, whatever it is, and -- I think that's the name of it -- and he kept calling Obama “our son.” Somebody call the birthers out there, Gaddafi just may in fact be one.

Is Rush still forgetting how he used to be a birther, too? Rush continued in this vein after the break as well, and wondered if the Obama administration told Gaddafi not to celebrate Obama in his speech. Maybe they did, speculated Rush, but Gaddafi ignored them.

Then Rush played a sound bite of David Axelrod on MSNBC's Morning Joe, where Axelrod said Obama's priority on Afghanistan was keeping Americans safe, and that he wasn't looking at polls to decide his strategy. Rush didn't agree that Obama's priority was to keep us safe -- it was to make sure our enemies are not offended.

Does Rush have nothing better to do than make pantsuit jokes about Hillary Clinton?

Next, Rush talked about the grief he got yesterday after talking about the leaked McChrystal memo, and how he made fun of Hillary Clinton for not enlisting in the Marines. Rush explained the origins of this joke and stood by his comment that the real reason she didn't enlist was because they didn't have uniforms that fit. Later, Rush remarked that Hillary doesn't look good in Mao-styled pantsuits, either.

The next caller wanted to know, if capitalism is considered evil by Michael Moore and Evo Morales, what works better? Rush said Obama would make it all better. The next caller took issue with Obama talking about international cooperation today, saying that what's needed is leadership. Rush said that people on the left “really believe” that if we just show our enemies that we like them, and that we're not Bush, then they're going to turn around and like us back.

Rush went on to talk about Obama's “diabolical” agenda to purposefully deconstruct the United States. Rush said that by doing this, Obama is weakening our security and making us more vulnerable. Rush then pivoted back to Gaddafi. Rush said that if he had given a speech, he would be worried if totalitarian thugs and dictators “sounded like me.” That's what happened, Rush claimed, with Obama.

Rush said the purpose of the Clinton Global Initiative “is babes”

Then Rush briefly went over Obama's speech last night at the Clinton Global Initiative. Rush picked out this bit from the speech:

OBAMA: Carbon emissions from cars in Boston and factories in Beijing are melting the ice caps and imperiling the planet.

Rush said this was something you would read at the Huffington Post by some “deranged pseudo-columnist,” or something that would be said by the “lunatic fringe.” But in this case, it's the president of the United States saying it. Rush concluded by explaining how the “purpose” of Clinton Global Initiative “is babes” -- “pure and simple.”

Zachary Aronow and Zachary Pleat contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.


Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: Folks, we got sound bites of this. This is scary, dreadful. This man is in the process -- I mean, the mask came off. Obama took the mask off and he is who he is. He was who he is today. He just ripped this country to shreds. He ripped Israel to shreds.

He promised we're no longer going to be a superpower. We're no better, we're no bigger, we're no different than any other nation, and he's going to see to it that this happens. The biggest applause line was when he said that the Israeli settlements are illegitimate. He challenged the legitimacy of them and the place erupted.


LIMBAUGH: Obama won this election by 10 million votes, but this is not what he had a mandate to do. This is -- I would describe what Obama is doing to this country is basically a coup. It is just -- it is just frightening. He talks about a new world order, and the new world order is him. Obama is bigger than his country; he's bigger than the presidency; he is the world.

He delivered the United States of America to global powers today, just handed us over on a silver platter without a gunshot. Without a shot being fired, the United States has just surrendered and accepted all of the blame and guilt that the world has - - that's why they love him at the United Nations. They love him -- this collection of tyrants, thugs, weirdoes, perverts -- this collection loves this guy because he doesn't like America, and they don't either.


LIMBAUGH: And I want you to listen to me on this -- I'm going to say this as often as I have to for it to sink in. Barack Hussein Obama, a man who has contributed nothing to the success of this great nation -- Barack Hussein Obama has contributed no greatness himself, has made no contribution whatsoever that has furthered this nation's advancement -- nothing at all.

Instead, Barack Obama is constantly tearing down this country. He is disrespectful of the American people, all who've come before us. He disrespects every president prior to him. He disrespects all who have built this great nation at enormous cost. In his mind, everything prior to his presidency contributed to an unjust and immoral United States of America.

He's contributed nothing. He's a sponge. He simple soaks it up. He is the beneficiary of the greatness -- all the greatness this nation has to offer -- and he trashes this country nevertheless like a spoiled brat, 1960s radical, born of the middle class, but constantly seeking to slay ideological images. I think it is important to point out this man has contributed nothing, not one thing, to the greatness of this country.


LIMBAUGH: This speech is the one he wanted to give. This is why he ran for president: to be president of the world. You, the American people, elected this guy by -- what was the margin? -- 10 million votes. He didn't have this mandate. He was not elected to cut this country down. He was not elected to serve this country up on a silver platter to our enemies and the globalists around the world. We have a disaster on our hands -- it's Barack Obama.


LIMBAUGH: Of course he hasn't contributed any problems; he's the Messiah. He's the savior. He's wonderful. He's great. He's going to deliver the United States into a new era where it is cool to hate us, cool to rip us, and he's gonna show the rest of the world how to rip us and how to tear us apart. He's gonna show them how it's done. And the world's gonna applaud. They love Obama, because they hate this country too.


LIMBAUGH: Did you hear this? “We continue to emphasize America does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements?” No, Israelis, the Jews, they stink too, according to Obama. Why, they can't build homes for themselves.


LIMBAUGH: And yet, Israel is the problem by building homes for its people to live in. That's illegitimate!


LIMBAUGH: I'm telling you when Obama says America does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements, he's not speaking for me. And I don't know how many Americans he is actually speaking for in this dreadfully frightening and scary speech today before the Star Wars bar scene. The world, ladies and gentlemen, is on the brink of destruction. We face, daily, a threat that could wipe us out. What is that threat? Muslim extremists? Terrorists? International thug cartels? No! No. This is the threat.


LIMBAUGH: There are people who voted for Obama, thinking all this is gonna happen. And now, he's up there giving this country away, remaking it, reforming it, blaming it for everything that's wrong in the world, cutting it down to what he thinks is its proper size, and then lying to the people of the world about the dangers posed by climate change.


LIMBAUGH: You know, it's a freak show up there, and our president is the lead freak now at the UN. I mean, it's scary.


LIMBAUGH: Now this man is a kook. He is a literal freak, but here's the -- here's the thing: He is inspired by Barack Obama. Obama is the leader of the world's kooks now. Obama is a kook. I am convinced he's a left-wing radical freak. He is no different than the fringe people in his base. He is one of them; he just happens to sound a little smarter. He just happens to sound classically educated, but the man's a loony toon.


LIMBAUGH: I feel like I'm in a James Bond movie. I feel like an Ernst Stavro Blofeld has taken over the UN and the world and the best spy that we have -- me -- is headed for the gulag. And Eric Holder holds the key. They're going to get rid of the best spies this country has -- now, we're spying on them.


LIMBAUGH: The only time I say ass is talking about Hillary's being too big to fit into a military uniform.


LIMBAUGH: You know, Gaddafi heads up the African Union, whatever it is, and -- I think that's the name of it -- and he kept calling Obama “our son.” Somebody call the birthers out there, Gaddafi just may in fact be one.

America's Truth Rejector

LIMBAUGH: But, I again remind you, 25 years ago, Richard Lam, the then-governor of Colorado, said old people have a duty to die and get out of the way -- and he was savaged for it. He was pelted. He was lampooned, mocked, criticized, said he was cruel. And now, 25 years later, we have a Newsweek cover, “The Case for Pulling the Plug on Granny.” And we have a president who's gonna put death panels in his health care plan to decide who does and who doesn't get treatment.