Local Network Affiliates Report On “We Don't Talk To Women That Way” Education Campaign

Network affiliates in 10 local television markets reported that the firestorm over Rush Limbaugh's misogynistic attacks against a Georgetown law student is now turning to local radio stations running Limbaugh's show, asking them to explain to their communities why they continue to broadcast his hateful rhetoric.

The Associated Press reported Thursday that Media Matters for America was running radio ads in select markets that educate consumers about Limbaugh's rhetoric:

The ads use Limbaugh's own words about student Sandra Fluke, who testified at a congressional hearing that contraception should be paid for in health plans. Limbaugh, on his radio programs, suggested Fluke wanted to be paid to have sex, which made her a “slut” and a “prostitute.” In return for the money, he said Fluke should post videos of herself having sex. Under sharp criticism, Limbaugh later apologized.

In one of the anti-Limbaugh ads, listeners are urged to call the local station that carries Limbaugh to say “we don't talk to women like that” in our city.

Dozens of advertisers have abandoned Limbaugh's show since his attacks on Fluke, and more than 100 advertisers have taken steps to make sure their ads don't run during his show.

Local Markets Take Note Of Effort To Say: “We Don't Talk To Women Like That”

From WJAR in Providence, RI:

From WMAQ in Chicago:

From KCCI in Des Moines, IA:

From KWES in Odessa, TX:

From KFVS Paducah, KY:

From KSFY in Sioux Falls, SD:

From WPBN in Traverse City, MI:

From KIMT in Rochester, MN:

From WGXA in Macon, GA:

From KGAN in Cedar Rapids, IA:

And now Washington D.C. based Media Matters for America, a liberal media watchdog group, is airing radio ads in Cedar Rapids as well as eight other cities. The ads urge listeners to call stations that carry “The Rush Limbaugh Show” to express their condemnation of his comments.

So why are they doing this? Angelo Carusone of Media Matters for America says, “he's broadcast nationally on hundreds of radio stations on public airwaves and didn't make a single remark but rather 46 of them.”