Repeating “feminazi” comment, Limbaugh reprises familiar theme

Rush Limbaugh referred to the participants of a recent press conference held by women's groups opposing the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito Jr. as “feminazis” -- a term he has repeated numerous times in previous broadcasts.


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In a discussion about a January 4 press conference held by women's groups opposing the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito Jr., nationally syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh referred to the participants as “feminazis,” stating: “Keep these left-wing socialist freaks out there. The feminazis, the 1960s feminazis.” This is the third example that Media Matters for America has documented of Limbaugh's use of the term since he declared on June 22, 2005, that “I haven't used that term on this program in years.” On his August 29, 2005, broadcast, Limbaugh credited “militant feminazis” for an alleged lack of majority support for abortion rights in the United States, and on his August 9, 2005, broadcast, he stated that abortion rights activists are “the original feminazis.” Media Matters has documented his use of the term “feminazis” on numerous other occasions since March 2004.

From the January 4 broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show:

LIMBAUGH: You know what I say, folks? I say keep these freaks out there. Keep these left-wing socialist freaks out there. The feminazis, the 1960s feminazis more, mean more [Sen.] Chuck Schumer [D-NY], more [Sen.] Dick Durbin [D-IL]. Keep 'em out there front and center, making the case and telling us who these people are.