Rush: "[L]osing New Jersey is like Stalin being defeated in Moscow," “like Castro being defeated in Cuba”
By Greg Lewis
Rush began the program today by saying he was looking through exit polls and election analysis, but couldn't find how many votes President Obama had created or saved in New Jersey or Virginia. Then he explained:
LIMBAUGH: Let me tell you something, folks, losing New Jersey is like Stalin being defeated in Moscow. It's like Castro being defeated in Cuba. It's like Reagan winning 100 percent of the vote in the Upper West Side of Manhattan. It's like Hu Jintao being thrown out by the street sweepers of Beijing. It's like Kim Jil -- Kim Il-Sung -- or Kim Jong-Il, the little potbellied guy over there in North Korea being eaten by dogs. I mean, it is just that you cannot overstate. It -- Virginia is big too, but New Jersey! New Jersey, the bluest of blue states!
Rush proceeded to make a huge deal about Obama losing the “bluest of blue states” and said Obama inherited two blue states that are now turning red. Ultimately, Rush explained, this means that the Democratic Party is in trouble because it is being led by a “radical” and its “extreme leaders” in Congress are defying the public. Rush said that if you combine the New Jersey and Virginia races, you have a “blowout.”
Promising to talk about NY-23 shortly, Rush said that the worst has yet to come for Democrats, who were pushing health care, cap and trade, and soon, amnesty. Rush said that exit polls show that health care wasn't a high priority and that 40 percent of voters thought the election was about Obama.
Rush declared last night's election “Obama's Waterloo”
Rush said that Obama's policies were not intended to reverse the course on the economy, and this has put several blue states into play. Rush went on to declare that last night was Obama's Waterloo. Then he talked up a war in the Democrat Party [sic], reading a Byron York post about progressives challenging Democrats in Congress who vote against health care reform. Rush said that Obama's radical policies were unraveling the party.
After the break, Rush read a blog post by Markos Moulitsas over at Daily Kos going through “lessons” of the election results. Rush observed that the post sounded a lot like conservatives who are angry at the Republican Party. Since the media are always touting a civil war in the Republican Party, Rush wondered if Moulitsas' post indicated a civil war in the Democratic Party.
Rush blamed Newt Gingrich and others for NY-23 mess
Rush then got to the race in NY-23, where the conservative-backed candidate Doug Hoffman was defeated by Democrat Bill Owens. Rush touted the results of the race as sending the right message -- that Republican Party bosses like Newt Gingrich screwed the whole thing up by putting up Dede Scozzafava as a candidate. Rush claimed that if the party had gotten behind Hoffman from the beginning, he would have won, “no doubt about that.”
Rush said that the huge story of NY-23 was the shambles the Republican Party made of it by putting up such a horrendous candidate. Rush likened this to the GOP telling Republican voters in the district: “Screw you.” What did not lose in NY-23, said Rush, was conservatism. What lost was Republican ineptitude.
Following another break, Rush said that NY-23 should silence the third party people out there, since it was being “mistakenly” looked at as a third party race. Rush contrasted the lack of a primary in NY-23 to the GOP primary in NJ, where Chris Christie defeated the more conservative candidate Steve Lonegan, then the party backed Christie. But there was no primary in NY-23.
Rush then took a look at the exit polling conducted yesterday, but cautioned that he doesn't trust exit polls since the 2004 election when early exit polls pointed to a Kerry victory. So it was natural that he didn't trust the exit polls given by CNN that said Obama wasn't a big factor in the Virginia election.
Then Rush got distracted by the reports that Obama would not travel to Germany for the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Rush said that this was “unprecedented” and started rambling about Obama's lack of respect for freedom...and Ronald Reagan:
LIMBAUGH: An American president not showing up at a citadel of freedom and extolling the virtues of what happened there? I mean, hell, he should go even if he wants to praise Gorbachev for making it happen. I think -- you know, Reagan is there. Reagan is there in spirit. Reagan is there every -- “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.” I think one of the reasons Obama may not want to go is 'cause I think he probably fears he'd be upstaged by the memory of Ronald Reagan.
Rush taunted that JFK and even Jimmy Carter would have gone. But not Barack Obama!
Then Rush got back to the race in Virginia. He continued to express his blanket distrust of exit polls, pointing out that they always say exactly what Democrats want them to say. After a commercial time-out, Rush took a caller who said the real lesson of NY-23 was that the “self-anointed” party leaders will not tolerate an average person standing up to run for office. Rush took this opportunity to talk about himself (which is something he claimed he “never likes” to do). Rush noted that the media are saying the race is a big loss for himself and Sarah Palin. The next caller talked about the election for county executive in Westchester County.
Rush said new Obama documentary at risk of “anal poisoning”
Rush kicked off Hour 2 with an idea for Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel on how to get Obama to come to a Berlin Wall event: tell him it's an emergency meeting of the International Olympic Organizing Council to reconsider the location of the 2016 Olympics.
Then Rush said Obama is “not a narcissist,” but informed us that Obama watched a documentary about himself last night as the election returns were coming in. Rush said this documentary, “By the People,” was so fawning that it could get “anal poisoning.” He then spent several minutes criticizing Obama for watching that instead of the election returns.
Next, Rush read a CBS post about David Axelrod saying that Obama alone can't create bipartisanship. Rush took this to mean that the lack of bipartisanship was now his own fault. But Rush pointed out that Obama won't meet with Sen. Mitch McConnell, Rep. John Boehner, or Secretary Robert Gates.
Digging further through his stack of stuff, Rush highlighted an AP report about the defeat of the Maine marriage equality ballot measure. Rush called the report an example of the “chickification” of the news and said it distorted the same-sex marriage issue.
Then Rush rambled on some more about the meaning of yesterday's elections. He replayed some of his “predictions” from yesterday of how the media would react and clips from various media figures proving his predictions right. Rush was ecstatic at his own genius, and the man who just 30 minutes before had said he doesn't like making his show about himself, made his show about himself. And the man who couldn't get over the fact that Obama watched a documentary about himself, listened to several audio clips of himself (some of them multiple times) as the program carried on.
Anyway, Rush eventually got around to looking at a Wall Street Journal article about California's attempts to balance its budget. Rush warned that the politicians there were destroying the state. Then Rush took a caller who said the NY-23 race reminded her of the way the liberal media picked Sen. John McCain as the GOP candidate last year. Rush said the dirty little secret of that race was how the “smart thinkers” in the GOP picked the wrong candidate.
Then Rush argued with another caller over whether there was a “split” in the Republican Party. Rush concluded by saying that conservatives were on the ascendency and yesterday provided them with a great start. Rush claimed that Christie and McDonnell in the “last weeks” before the election went “pedal to the metal conservative” in their respective races.
After another break, Rush picked up an ABC News report that Democrats were now saying that Obama won't get a health care bill to sign until next year. Rush wondered if the purpose of this news was to “tame the crowd” at tomorrow's Michele Bachmann-led rally in D.C. But the problem with this, said Rush, is that we're dealing with Democrats who don't care what you think.
Rush picked this back up as the third hour began, saying he didn't think Sen. Harry Reid had the votes in the Senate, which is why he was pushing back the bill. Then Rush talked about reports that Reid had made a deal with Sen. Joe Lieberman over his threatened filibuster of health care. Rush read a report denying that there was any such deal. Then he read extensively from a Heritage Foundation blog post about the “strong state of conservatism” with the intention of inspiring people.
Rush talked up Sarah Palin
Following the break, Rush touted another one of his brilliant “predictions” about the media's reaction to the elections. Then he read a Los Angeles Times article headlined, “GOP victories send message to Democrats.” Next, a caller asked Rush how he thought Hoffman's defeat would affect Sarah Palin's intentions for the White House. Rush said he wasn't sure if Palin had intentions for the White House, although he said she was laying the groundwork for a possible run. Rush said of Palin's upcoming book: "[I]n her case, I think she actually wrote it." (Or maybe her ghostwriter did?)
Then Rush contested the media talking point that he and Palin handed victory to Owens in NY-23. Rush accused the media of doing everything they could to ignore the races in Virginia and New Jersey by focusing on him and Palin. Rush went on to talk up Sarah Palin some more. He said that, knowing what she thinks about the issues and what kind of person she is, he doesn't buy any of the media conventional wisdom about her. Rush said that liberals are afraid of her. Noting that he wasn't trying to endorse Palin or say she was perfect, he said that Palin was “one hell” of a strong woman whom the media and Democrats have tried to “literally” crucify.
After another break, Rush picked up the latest batch of school kids singing to Obama videos. He claimed that this sort of thing is “not random anymore.” Then Rush took a caller who was fired up about tomorrow's Bachmann-led protest. Rush went on to claim that attacks on Sarah Palin were attacks on average people and said that people were trying to make Palin into a joke and harm her book sales. Rush also said that he was “very proud” that three of the most vocal, action-oriented Republicans -- Palin, Bachmann, and Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) -- were women.
Rush closed out the program with a few more callers. The first caller said that Rush was a “gift from God” and told him her theory on why Obama wouldn't go to Berlin, which was that “man-child” Obama was throwing a tantrum because he wanted to speak at the Brandenburg Gate for his campaign rally, but wasn't allowed to. Rush agreed with the caller, since, after all, Obama is an immature man-child. The final caller claimed that the vote in Virginia was in fact a vote against Obama. Rush agreed, adding that exit polls showed the economy being the number one issue, and the economy has everything to do with Obama because he's destroying it.
Zachary Aronow and Zachary Pleat contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.
Outrageous comments
LIMBAUGH: Let me tell you something, folks, losing New Jersey is like Stalin being defeated in Moscow. It's like Castro being defeated in Cuba. It's like Reagan winning 100 percent of the vote in the Upper West Side of Manhattan. It's like Hu Jintao being thrown out by the street sweepers of Beijing. It's like Kim Jil -- Kim Il-Sung -- or Kim Jong-Il, the little potbellied guy over there in North Korea being eaten by dogs. I mean, it is just that you cannot overstate. It -- Virginia is big too, but New Jersey! New Jersey, the bluest of blue states!
LIMBAUGH: Do you believe -- by the way, did you hear this? Angela Merkel invited President Obama to Germany for the anniversary of the falling of the Berlin Wall. He said, “I'm too busy.” I guess he's working on Afghanistan, folks. I guess he's working too hard that he can't go.
Now, folks, this is unprecedented: an American president not showing up at one of the most famous sites for the destruction of tyranny and the outbreak of freedom? Being invited by the Chancellor, the President of Germany, and not going? An American president not showing up at a citadel of freedom and extolling the virtues of what happened there? I mean, hell, he should go even if he wants to praise Gorbachev for making it happen.
I think -- you know, Reagan is there. Reagan is there in spirit. Reagan is there every -- “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.” I think one of the reasons Obama may not want to go is 'cause I think he probably fears he'd be upstaged by the memory of Ronald Reagan.
LIMBAUGH: I, frankly, folks, can't believe that he hadn't seen it and didn't help in having the whole thing put together, 'cause it's the most fawning -- if a documentary could get anal poisoning, this one could. I mean, it just kiss butt, kiss butt, kiss butt all over the place.
America's Truth Rejector
LIMBAUGH: I don't know that she has intentions of moving toward the Oval Office. People are surmising this, but I don't know that she's going to do that. Now, she's laying the groundwork for it -- you gotta write a book, and, in her case, I think she actually wrote it.