Rush claims liberals are “never held to account for the inhumanity they propose and promote”

By Greg Lewis

“Welcome to the universe of reality,” Rush greeted us as he started off his program today, clearly indicating that he wasn't about to give us a break on the “climate change is a hoax” nonsense before the holiday.

But first Rush read a nonsensical post from The Corner claiming that “they are not happy in India” over the way Obama introduced their nation's prime minister at last night's state dinner. What was National Review's Kevin Williamson's evidence that Indians were upset about Obama's comments? Well, there was none.

Then Rush trumpeted the news that Obama would be attending the climate change conference in Copenhagen next month. Rush declared this good news, since every event Obama attends is an abysmal failure. Rush wondered who Obama would bow down to over there.

Finally, Rush got back to yesterday's big topic: that the reportedly hacked CRU emails show that man-made global warming is hoax. Never mind that they don't, but that didn't stop Rush from making that notion into the topic of the day for the second day in a row. Rush warned the climate scientists in the middle of this controversy that it won't blow over, even though some in the state-controlled media are trying to circle the wagons for them.

Rush added that doctors have been demonized by Democrats, while scientists are the “essence of purity.” Rush then called CRU scientists Michael Mann and Phil Jones frauds, and NASA climate scientist James Hansen an “insane” fraud.

Rush went on to complain about Newsweek's "puff piece" on Hansen, and then claimed that the fraudulent “Yamal study” meant that climate change was all based on fiction. (Rush's claim about the Yamal study has been completely debunked.)

Then Rush launched into a rant claiming that liberalism “kills,” basing this assertion on the banning of DDT “for the sake of our environment.” Rush cried that this move resulted in millions of deaths because of malaria, and therefore, liberals have blood on their hands:

LIMBAUGH: [Liberals] are never held to account for the inhumanity they propose and promote. No one ever studies the human suffering and toll that results from the left's policies, and thus they can continue to make claims and create images of salvation without ever having to answer for the untold damage they've already committed.

Rush and conservatives can cry as much as they want, but it won't make DDT into a malaria-solving silver bullet.

Rush falsely portrays himself as inhabitant of the “universe of reality”

After the break, Rush reminisced about his comments earlier this week that Sen. Mary Landrieu “may be the most expensive prostitute in the history of prostitution” and played audio clips from MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan discussing them. Rush countered MSNBC's apparent disapproval with a clip from last night's Leno, who apparently “side[d]” with Rush.

Following another break, Rush joined numerous conservative bloggers in decrying the case of four Navy SEALS being charged with “roughing up” a detainee. Rush blamed political correctness for “literally” destroying the country. Rush claimed that “everyone” is outraged about this (HotAir's Allahpundit sounds skeptical, though). Rush also asserted that this stems from Abu Ghraib and the “supposed torture” at Guantánamo Bay. He warned that by doing this, we're telegraphing our “utter weakness and vulnerability.”

Next up, Rush looked at a recent Washington Post poll finding that while fewer people believe global warming is happening, they still support carbon caps. Rush -- citing absolutely no evidence to support his claim -- called it a “rigged poll.”

This got Rush started on another rant about the global warming “hoax” and how the CRU email scandal is the equivalent of the global warming “bubble” bursting. Rush said that Obama is a “crook speculator” perpetrating the global warming bubble and went on to discuss how the scandal might impact the “entire field of science,” claiming that science has now been “corrupted.” He also accused Obama of living in the “universe of lies and deceit,” while bragging that he himself lives in the “universe of reality.”

Rush closed out the first hour with a few audio clips from an appearance by actor Ed Begley Jr. on Fox News' Your World with Neil Cavuto yesterday afternoon. He mocked Begley as an “idiot” for his defense of climate change.

Rush: “Hopefully” Obama will be detained during his press conference next week at West Point

The second hour of today's show began with this comment from Rush:

LIMBAUGH: You see where President Obama, in announcing how he intends to lose the war in Iraq -- sorry, Afghanistan -- or both, actually -- is going to do it, the national address will occur from West Point on December 1st. My question is, will they detain him? Hopefully.

Then Limbaugh was back to railing about the CRU emails and the “hoax” of global warming, again bragging that he resides in the “universe of reality.” Then the black helicopters swooped in:

LIMBAUGH: This is about advancing socialism, liberalism, Marxism, whatever you want to call it. It's about advancing an agenda that takes people -- freedom away from people, their individuality. It destroys capitalism, and seeks to establish everybody under the auspices of a giant world government somewhere in the United Nations. That's what this is about. And it has been exposed.

Rush went on to relive his 1992 appearance on Nightline, opposite Al Gore, in which they discussed climate change and environmental policies. There is something surreal about listening to Rush picking up his argument with Gore from 17 years ago. It also makes us wonder: When is the last time you've seen a Rush Limbaugh media appearance that has positioned Limbaugh opposite somebody he disagrees with?

Rush spent the remainder of the hour with a couple of callers with military backgrounds. The first caller was a self-described Navy intelligence officer who expressed concern about the Navy SEALs case Rush had discussed earlier. Rush agreed with the points the caller made.

The other caller was a military veteran who also had worked for Blackwater in Iraq. The caller described the situation with the SEALs as payback for the way the Somali pirate ordeal a few months back was handled. This led to a broader discussion with the caller about the “feminization” of the military and political correctness.

Rush defends his accusation that the U.S. military is a victim of “chickification”

The third hour began with Rush echoing Michelle Malkin in demanding an apology from the media for falling for the reportedly faked suicide of the Kentucky census worker. Rush said this was just like the Duke lacrosse case in the way it was portrayed by the media.

Then Rush read an email from a listener who criticized him for saying the military has been the victim of “chickification.” Rush said that he understood the listener's sentiment, but argued that she didn't understand what he meant by “chickification,” so he explained it:

LIMBAUGH: “Chickification” means precisely men stop being men. They've been neutered, and they just -- it results from a number of things. Nagging. In this case -- not nagging, but in this case it results from -- clearly these guys saw the way to the top is PC after Tailhook. That's the way to the top, PC. PC is destroying this country. It's destroying institutions left and right.

Next, Rush decided to politicize college football. Discussing the “border war” rivalry between the Missouri Tigers and Kansas Jayhawks, Rush called on his listeners in Kansas to support Mizzou in their matchup this weekend because University of Missouri system president Gary Forsee opposes cap-and-trade legislation. Rush called Forsee's stance a “gutsy” and “courageous” move.

Before the commercial break, Rush quickly noted that Obama's grandmother's trip to Mecca is reportedly being paid for by the Saudi royal family. Rush said it looks like Obama's bow to the Saudi king has “paid off.”

Following the break, Rush took a few more callers who spoke effusively about the host. One wanted to know if Republicans who support climate change legislation would admit that they've been duped in light of the CRU emails. Rush said that question could be asked of several Republicans on a number of issues, but there is still a fear that criticizing Obama will result in being called a racist.

Rush partakes in his annual Thanksgiving revisionist history

Rush spent the remainder of his show reading from a chapter in one of his books about the "real" story of Thanksgiving. Save yourself some time: It's all an argument that the first Thanksgiving was a rejection of socialism. Here's one alternate take on Limbaugh's attempt at revisionist history.

Zachary Pleat and Kate Conway contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.


Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: One thing that I want to pound home here today: Liberalism, Marxism, socialism, whatever it is, kills. DDT banned for the sake of our environment, for the sake of birds, DDT was weakening the shells of little baby bird eggs, they said, and this was causing malformed and depletions in bird populations. So we had to get rid of DDT thanks to an insaniac by the name of Rachel Carson, may she rest in peace. May peace be upon her, whatever.

And as a result, malaria is killing millions all over Africa and the world simply because we decided erroneously to protect something that wasn't being damaged. The Third World, the Third World is strewn with dead babies thanks to the banning of DDT. It was advocated by the environmental movement in this country.

They should take credit for all the dead who might have otherwise lived. Marxism, socialism, liberalism kills, no matter how they dress it up. Fifty million deaths since DDT was banned. Today, it's global warming. Climate change. They could care less about the science. They could care less about the facts. It's about communism, statism, destroying the individual, destroying capitalism, destroying society, destroying freedom and liberty. Global cooling, an ice age, in fact, they said was coming. 1979. Then global warming. Then they said the seas will rise and swallow the cities. Now, they call it climate change, meaning any foul weather or act of God will be attributed to the horrible capitalist system of progress and advancement in lifestyles which is being blamed for all of this.

They are never held to account for the inhumanity they propose and promote. No one ever studies the human suffering and toll that results from the left's policies, and thus they can continue to make claims and create images of salvation without ever having to answer for the untold damage they've already committed.


LIMBAUGH: You see where President Obama, in announcing how he intends to lose the war in Iraq -- sorry, Afghanistan -- or both, actually -- is going to do it, the national address will occur from West Point on December 1st. My question is, will they detain him? Hopefully.


LIMBAUGH: If it's science, and if it's the truth, and if you are so brilliant to have discovered it, let the world see it and earn your reputation and money that way. But that's not what this is about. This is about advancing socialism, liberalism, Marxism, whatever you want to call it. It's about advancing an agenda that takes people -- freedom away from people, their individuality. It destroys capitalism, and seeks to establish everybody under the auspices of a giant world government somewhere in the United Nations. That's what this is about. And it has been exposed.

Ladies' man

LIMBAUGH: Chickification is exactly what the SEAL tem member -- SEAL team member described with the Tailhook situation and so forth. But I -- nevertheless, I understand what she's talking about. But let me tell you something. “Chickification” means precisely men stop being men. They've been neutered, and they just -- it results from a number of things. Nagging. In this case -- not nagging, but in this case it results from -- clearly these guys saw the way to the top is PC after Tailhook. That's the way to the top, PC. PC is destroying this country. It's destroying institutions left and right.