Rush “expecting ... Obama to drop off Anita Dunn in Asia ... so she can fully immerse herself in her Maoism”
By Zachary Pleat
Rush began his show today by asking his audience to stop emailing him, he knows that “Anita Hun -- ahem -- Anita Dunn” is leaving the administration, and he says he reported this a week ago. Rush, of course, has previously smeared Anita Dunn for having cited Mao.
Segueing into his analysis of our current economic situation, Rush then decided to highlight the unemployment rate:
LIMBAUGH: That 10.2 percent rate is not accurate. It is always calculated low. I have talked to many economists who claim that the -- to calculate the actual U.S. unemployment rate, you multiply whatever the government says by one and a half. During a recession, you multiply it by two. So 10 and a half unemployment reported by government would equal 21 percent out in the real world. And there are all kinds of factors of people that are not working, have given up trying to work, and there are people who are still working who are being overworked by people who refuse to hire anybody new but they're making them work longer hours. There are also people in jobs that they hate but they can't leave because there's nowhere else to go.
This led Rush to repeat his belief that this was all being done on purpose, and then complain about the media and the Obama administration measuring created or saved jobs, even though the Bush administration did the same thing repeatedly.
Moving on, Rush continued his meme that the purpose of health-care reform is just to make people more dependent on government.
After calling health care reform the Democrat Incumbency Forever Act, Rush then said that the Democratic leadership was so desperate to pass health care reform that “they're willing to even lose their majority to get this.”
Rush: “Imagine if the Fort Hood Shooter ... was shouting Jesus Christ”
Coming back from the first break, Rush brought up the tragic Fort Hood shootings, jumping on the “political correctness” bandwagon. Rush also criticized Obama's initial comments about the Fort Hood shootings as “out of touch” and “insensitive.”
After another break, Rush wondered if anyone would have jumped to conclusions if the alleged Fort Hood shooter “was shouting Jesus Christ,” or if a Planned Parenthood clinic was shot up. Rush then complained that Obama said we shouldn't jump to conclusions about the shooter, and contrasted it with Obama's first comments about the arrest of Professor Gates, which Rush did yesterday as well.
Rush then ended the first hour by again claiming that the Fort Hood shooter and his “radical imam” are “just like Obama” and Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
Rush: “Terrorists are getting a pass.”
Rush started off the second hour by wondering if the FBI and the Justice Department should be “turned upside down and shaken up” for their alleged failure to stop suspected Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan. Rush said Hasan was “on stage”, and that he was in “full imam garb” hours before he allegedly shot up Fort Hood.
Rush then played a parody of a public service announcement on “Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder” -- only three years after The Onion beat him to it.
Next, Rush read a Sweetness & Light article entitled “Obama's Empathy For 9-11 Terrorists” and claimed that under Obama, “terrorists are getting a pass,” which served to prove that “there are some sick people running the show in this country.”
Returning from another break, Rush mentioned the impending execution of the convicted D.C. sniper, John Allen Muhammad.
Rush then played an interview in which ABC's Jake Tapper asked President Obama about the decision to send more troops to Afghanistan. Rush got angry at Obama's response because he mentioned the costs of sending troops into the theater, ranting about how “only now” does Obama care about costs, “50 measly billion dollars to win a war after $750 billion in TARP money?”
Next, Rush moved onto the issue of federal funding for abortions in the health-care reform bill, assuring his listeners that abortion funding will indeed be in the final bill, or else the Democrats would not pass it.
Rush then repeated his astonishment that failure to obey the law could result in jail time, echoing the Drudge Report's fear mongering of jail time for failure to buy health insurance.
Rush rounded out the second hour by announcing that he would be doing an hour of radio on Sacramento's KFBK, where Rush said he started his radio career in 1984.
Rush: "[M]any children of the Middle East are having explosives strapped on them by their parents and sent onto buses"
Rush started off the final hour of his show today by mentioning Bill Clinton's visit to several Democratic senators, and repeated his earlier claim that the Democrats are willing to lose congressional seats to pass health care reform.
After then complaining about a Public Policy Polling post concerning how the health care reform issue affects Republicans, calling the authors “clowns,” Rush touted a Gallup poll to flawed claim that 40 percent of Americans self-identify as conservatives.
Rush finished off the segment by again accusing the administration of wanting health care reform only to make people more dependent on government, and suggested that some Americans will be sent to “some re-education camp if you don't lose weight.”
Back from another break, Rush decided to share a story about the long decomposition time of golf balls, eventually getting to a strange suggestion that the Loch Ness Monster died from eating golf balls.
Rush then talked to a caller who claimed that no terrorist attacks occurred under seven years of President Bush, and that Obama is trying to cover up Fort Hood because he failed. Rush claimed that the caller was “absolutely right”, and said that it's “no wonder it's not being called a terrorist attack,” because “there wasn't one during Bush's years.”
After a brief promotion of Zicam, Rush took another caller who mentioned Obama talking about the expense of deploying troops to Afghanistan with Tapper, with Rush claiming it's a poor excuse for Obama to dither on Afghanistan.
Rush came back from a break wondering what happened to the H1N1 emergency and read an opinion piece on the administration's response to the disease. Rush summed it up by saying, “All we need to know is government is behind it”.
Rush then had a caller who asked if President Bush's “war effort to liberate Afghanistan and Iraq” provided hope to children in the Middle East. In his reply, Rush stated that “many children of the Middle East are having explosives strapped onto them by their parents.”
Rush then complained because children of World Wildlife Fund employees are in a video to call on Obama to go to Copenhagen for negotiations on plans to address climate change, ranting about these children being brainwashed “over a hoax”. He interrupted the video to read a story about a 17-year-old who shot a polar bear in self-defense. Coming back from another break, Rush said that he's surprised there are enough children of WWF staffers for the video, given how they feel about abortion and people causing pollution.
Rush then spent some time lamenting that he didn't get a caller's information to send him a Sleep Number bed, and used this opportunity to advertise for them.
The final caller into Rush's show brought up the issue of the constitutionality of congressional health-care reform. Rush responded that the Supreme Court can't address the constitutionality of it until it's passed into law, but he would consult his “legal eagles” about it. As Media Matters has noted, legal experts have debunked some claims in the conservative media about the unconstitutionality of health care reform legislation.
Tom Allison, Zachary Aronow, and Kate Conway contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.
LIMBAUGH: You can stop sending me emails that Adita -- Anita Hunn -- ahem -- Anita Dunn is leaving the Obama administration. We reported that last week on this program when we also reported that her husband is joining the administration. He's a lawyer in some capacity. I'm expecting Obama will drop off Anita Dunn somewhere in Asia on his next trip there so that she can fully immerse herself in her Maoism.
LIMBAUGH: That 10.2 percent rate is not accurate. It is always calculated low. I have talked to many economists who claim that the -- to calculate the actual U.S. unemployment rate, you multiply whatever the government says by one and a half. During a recession, you multiply it by two. So 10 and a half unemployment reported by government would equal 21 percent out in the real world. And there are all kinds of factors of people that are not working, have given up trying to work, and there are people who are still working who are being overworked by people who refuse to hire anybody new but they're making them work longer hours. There are also people in jobs that they hate but they can't leave because there's nowhere else to go.
LIMBAUGH: In fact, there's a story today confirming -- confirming -- what I have said. A little editorial in The Wall Street Journal. Some big, ranking Democrat went somewhere and let the cat out of the bag of the purpose of health care: redistribution. The purpose of health care is not to get people insured, not to get -- this is the Democrat Incumbency Forever Act. It is to create so much transference of wealth, it is to create so much dependence in the middle class on government that Democrats will never lose power. That's the objective here. To make so many of you dependent on your very existence for government subsidies, handouts, and checks that you think only the Democrat Party will provide those for you, that everybody knows the Republicans, if they ever get in power, are gonna cut that back. So, this is the long-term goal. It's also a way for Obama to get even with the achievers in this country, who he really is not happy -- let me find that story. I've got it here.
LIMBAUGH: They don't care -- folks, this is so important to get this health care bill, because this guy's right. Once it's there, it can't be undone. It won't be rescinded. What government program ever is, may I ax you. So, they're willing to even lose their majority to get this. They are willing to lose their majority to get this. That's how big health care is. And that is why the leaders, I'm talking about, the leaders and Obama on down are happy to get this if it means -- even if it means losing their majority for awhile. Because once they get this, I mean, they're going to -- they figure they're going to get their majority back lickety-split. So the lesson here is, you can be as opposed to this as you want -- and everybody is. There's not one poll that shows support for this in a majority. The majority is opposed to it. Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. They are going to even sacrifice their majorities to get this.
LIMBAUGH: Now, I'm also hearing that Obama is going to personalize this and pay tribute to each of the fallen personally, and if he does that, that means he's stinging from the criticism of his speech with -- you know, to the tribal leaders, where he gave a shout-out to this incident while praising the tribal leaders at that scheduled conference. It was terrible, it was horrible. It was as out of touch, disconnected from reality -- it was insensitive. It was all the things that people thought Obama was not when they elected him.
LIMBAUGH: So, the press here is getting more creative and finding anything other than Islam's injunction to jihad to blame here. The New York Times is claiming this is just one in a strong -- string of violent incidents at Fort Hood. That's -- this is what the left likes to call “blaming the victim.” And it has a double virtue in the Times' eyes of slandering soldiers as violent louts. And, boy, you ought to see this New York Times story. It's all about how there are divorces, there are wife beatings, there are incidents of violence that we never hear about at Fort Hood. This guy was no different than anybody else. Da da da da. They're going out of their way to make sure that the U.S. military is maligned for this. A respected, veneered institution of freedom and liberty under assault because of political ideology and political correctness.
LIMBAUGH: From the Los Angeles Times: “Nidal Malik Hasan's contacts with a radical Islamic cleric linked to some of the 9-11 hijackers were investigated but found to be mostly innocuous, officials say.” Really? What about all this talk post-9-11 that we had to start connecting the dots that we didn't properly connect prior to 9-11? You know the headline here, “Fort Hood suspect was on U.S. radar” -- really? “Radar”? Well, you know that's the screen with those little dots on it, the little green dots that appear, and government's supposed to connect those dots on the radar? And get this, Page 2 of this story: “DOJ, Department of Justice guidelines did not warrant further investigation.” What are we doing to ourselves here? Nine-eleven never happened, or we're going to reframe why it happened and who did it and for what reason? And somehow it's our fault?
LIMBAUGH: It's hard for people to accept this, but there are people in this country who hate it. There are people in this country who believe that the reason for all war, the reason for all angst, the reason for all confrontation is us. And our size. And our power. That we have been colonial, that we have been imperialistic, that we have conquered and stolen all of the world's resources, and we have enriched ourselves and left the rest of the world in abject poverty. And so we are a bad nation and we are evil and that's why people hate us. And they work at the highest levels of government. After 9-11, the State Department convened a seminar: What did we do to make them mad? What is it about us they don't like? So, as difficult as it may be to believe, there are people -- and Obama's one of them -- there are people in this country who believe we are at fault and therefore, the mission has to be to show these people that we mean them no harm, and that's -- and we'll even apologize for our transgressions in the past as a means of showing you how sincere we are.
We know the country prior to my becoming president, it was a bad place. But now that I'm here, you can check our record for the last nine months. We haven't attacked anybody, we haven't insulted anybody, we haven't offended anybody. I'm running around the world apologizing for our country, for my country, to show you that we don't mean you any harm. And we understand your grievance against us, but we want to have a family of nations throughout this world where there really aren't even any countries. I want to run it, he says, but we don't even want any countries. We just want a unified world. Peaceful, loving and so forth, and I get 10 percent of everything we generate from the taxes of all citizens of the world.
LIMBAUGH: Yet, they're going to great pains to say this is not a war against Islam. Real Muslims are strongly opposed to violence. I tell you, these people running this country must have so much guilt and so much animosity toward this country -- the only thing that can explain this. Well, stupidity, I guess you'd throw in there, too.
LIMBAUGH: See, what you have to understand -- in Obama's mind, we, the United States, are to blame for the poverty of the world, because we've stolen all the rich resources. The ignorance of people in the world, the helplessness because of our superpower status, and therefore their despair -- it's all our fault. “We will have to make sure, despite our rage, that any U.S. military action takes into account the lives of innocent civilians abroad. We will have to be unwavering in opposing bigotry or discrimination directed against neighbors and friends of Middle Eastern descent. Finally, we will have to devote far more attention to the monumental task of raising the hopes and prospects of embittered children across the globe, children not just in the Middle East but also in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe, and within our own shores.” Raising the hopes and the prospects.
Well, how's the hope and change in this country that he's behind working out for ya? The terrorists -- the terrorists are getting a pass, Snerdly. Snerdly asked me, “What are the terrorists supposed to do?” They're getting a pass. That's the whole point of this. The terrorists get a pass. We've got to understand them. It's our fault. There's poverty, there's destitution, desolution, there's despair and helplessness, and we've got to understand why. And to understand why, we've got to understand why they hate us. We've got to figure out what it is that wants to make them do this to us. And, of course, the central answer to that question is, “We're doing it. We're behind it.” That explains all of this. There are some sick people running the show in this country.
LIMBAUGH: Suddenly, Obama is worried about money? He's worried about 50 measly billion dollars to win a war after $750 billion in TARP money? After a $1 trillion stimulus bill that's bombing out? On top of 1.2 to $2 trillion for his health care plan? And he says it's expensive to send more troops over there? It's a billion dollars for every thousand troops, and that's expensive? All of a sudden, this guy's worried about the expense of something?
CALLER: I think that the main point behind the Fort Hood terrorist attack is political correctness, but I also think that Obama, the White House, and the media are not going to let the facts come out that it was, in fact, a terrorist attack, because if it was a terrorist attack, that means Obama failed. Bush gave us seven years with no terrorist attacks, and a little over a year after Obama's been in office, there' s a terrorist attack while he's trying to soften our defense and our intelligence? That means Obama failed. Once again, the all-knowing, all-seeing Maja-Rushie is right. Obama failed.
LIMBAUGH: Need to ask you one question.
LIMBAUGH: Because I'm not -- we want to be accurate on this. Did the Fort Dix attack occur during the Bush administration? Or have all these attacks occurred since Obama took office? I think Fort Dix was not this year. Now, Arkansas was this year. The Arkansas recruit-- Fort Dix was stopped? Oh yeah, Fort Dix was stopped. Yeah, and that was during the Bush admini-- yeah, 2007. And that's right, the Bush administration stopped it.
LIMBAUGH: That's right, that's right. So you are absolutely right. I was just trying to be extra cautionary -- or cautious. You're absolutely right. That's -- no wonder it's not going to be called a terrorist attack. There wasn't one during Bush's years, and, of course, there haven't been any since Obama swept in there and took office.
Outrageous comments
CALLER: You cited a 2001 quote from the Messiah, and my teleprompter has a question. The Messiah said that a key lesson learned from 9-11 is that it's incumbent upon us, the U.S., to provide hope for the children of the Middle East. So what's your opinion as to whether President Bush's war effort to liberate Afghanistan and Iraq from their oppressive, hate-generating regimes -- doesn't that provide that kind of hope?
LIMBAUGH: I always thought it did, and I think ultimately the people of Afghanistan and Iraq thought so. They eventually joined with us. Remember now, remember -- here's -- this is -- you know, nobody dare say what I'm going to say. But Obama talking about “incumbent upon the U.S. to provide hope for the children of the Middle East” -- many children of the Middle East are having explosives strapped on them by their parents and sent onto buses. It is not the United States that is killing them or destroying their hope. It is their own culture. But we dare not say that. So don't tell anybody out there, Frank, that I said that.
LIMBAUGH: That's children of the World Wildlife Fund staffers in a video on the World Wildlife Fund website. I mean, this is -- these people using their own kids, brainwashing their own kids for the advancement of a hoax. Using and brainwashing their own kids. About a lie. All for the purpose of advancing a policy that's going to result in restricted freedom for these kids. No chance at prosperity because of high energy taxes.