Rush led today complaining that Sen. Chris Dodd and Rep. Barney Frank were being applauded for passage of the financial regulatory reform bill, but he quickly shifted his attention to the “amazing” Shirley Sherrod affair. Rush tried to cover for Andrew Breitbart's primary responsibility for the false portrayal of Sherrod as a racist, declaring that he “know[s] Andrew Breitbart” and that Andrew Breitbart “doesn't purposely screw around with edits.” Limbaugh continued to back up Breitbart throughout the show.
Later, Limbaugh returned to his obsession over Journolist conspiracy theories by reading from the Daily Caller's latest yawner. During one of his frequent self-interruptions, Limbaugh claimed credit for the ongoing decline plaguing mainstream media outlets. Limbaugh then praised the “real journalism” of the Daily Caller for publishing “transcripts” of the Journolist listserv, favorably comparing this to the phony “Climategate” episode.
Rush also - without any trace of irony -introduced new charges of racism against Eric Holder and the Justice Department, Democrats, and the NAACP.
Here are the highlights from the show:
Limbaugh accuses Eric Holder, DOJ of racism
“Democrats have wanted a race-based confrontation for months now”
Limbaugh: “NAACP is about the advancement of leftist ideals, agenda, and its own racism”
Limbaugh: “I know Andrew Breitbart, he doesn't purposely screw around with edits”
Limbaugh: Obama is a “grossly underqualified, unaccomplished editor of the Harvard Law Review”