Rush Limbaugh Slams Donald Trump For Supporting Obamacare Mandate

Limbaugh: “You Can't Talk About Repealing Obamacare And Like The Mandate”

From the February 19 edition of Premiere Radio Network's The Rush Limbaugh Show:

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RUSH LIMBAUGH (HOST): Okay, during the break at the bottom of the hour, did some research here on people dying in the street. As I said Mr. Trump is out there saying that we have to support and he likes the Obamacare mandate. I mean folks you can't, I'm just going to tell you something, you can't talk about repealing Obamacare and like the mandate. The mandate is everything in Obamacare. If the man -- that's what the Supreme Court case, that's what John Roberts turned himself into a pretzel in order to find that it was constitutional. When before Obamacare, it wasn't. The federal government cannot mandate that you buy anything, until now. Without the mandate, there is no Obamacare. Obamacare can't survive without the mandate, without the federal government requiring by law that you have to buy this product or else you're going to be fined. It can't exist. So I don't know how you say you're going to repeal this and start over and at the same time, keep the mandate.


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