Rush Spends Show Criticizing Obama, Advises Not Listening To Your Critics

By Christine Schwen

Rush opened today's show by crowing that David Obey, the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, will not seek reelection, delighting in the fact that only a month after passing health care reform, Obey, who was in a tough race, decided not to run. Limbaugh was particularly happy that Obey's opponent is a “dyed-in-the-wool conservative Republican.” Rush then moved on to the story that BP and its employees have given more to Obama than to any other candidate. Of course, it escaped Rush's notice that Obama set records for raising funds in general, so it's not so surprising that he got more money from these -- or any -- employees. Instead, Rush asked why Obama is “demonizing” companies for making money when he's raised so much from them. Later, Rush explained that Obama is only demonizing companies in order to get more power, because his actions are not about fixing things like the economy and health care, but only about increasing the control of the federal government.

Speaking of the economy, Rush announced that, despite Obama's claims that the economy is recovering and we're back from the brink, “there is no recovery, and there was no brink.” Further, Rush explained, Obama is only interested in redistributing wealth, because Obama “looks at people of color as the genuine owners of the world's wealth who have been shut out of it.” Rush added that nobody thinks Obama is up to the job of president. He even suggested that Obama call Sarah and Todd Palin for advice about the oil spill because, Rush claimed, they have “a gazillion” times more experience with oil spills than Obama does. He declined to elaborate. He also had some harsh words for the experience and brainpower of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, and the “rank amateurists” who work for her.

Rush then moved on to lighter topics, giving his listeners a 10-minute pep talk about the importance of loving yourself and not letting your self-esteem be controlled by what other people think of you. Rush explained that this is why he is still happy, even though, he claimed, people are smearing him by pretending he said that environmentalists may have blown up the oil rig, and that he suggested the ocean might clean up the oil spill unaided. (Memo to Rush: You did say those things.) Rush said that he's happy because you're judged by the strength of your enemies, and he's had two presidents gunning for him. Rush even explained that he would attack Obama just for the fun of it. Later, in response to a caller, Rush said that it's not inconsistent to tell people to ignore their critics while attacking Obama for doing the same because Obama doesn't love himself -- he's a narcissist. Rush then repeated that he doesn't care that he's being “lied about” because Reagan and Churchill were lied about, and he's not going anywhere.

Here are some highlights from today's show:

Limbaugh: “Could we say that Obama is out there creating new terrorists” because of alleged bomber's stated motivation?

Limbaugh on the economy: “There is no recovery, and there was no brink”

Limbaugh: Obama “looks at people of color as the genuine owners of the world's wealth who have been shut out of it”

Limbaugh on Sec. Napolitano: “If brains were made out of wool she couldn't knit leggings for a canary”

Limbaugh: “Los Suns” protest from Phoenix Suns is “sad,” “shortsighted,” “cowardice disguised as I'm better than you”

Limbaugh: If oil from spill washes up on his beachfront property he may “blame Obama for it happening” for “the fun of it”