By Oliver Willis
Rush Limbaugh began his show with effusive praise for New Jersey governor Chris Christie's confrontation with a reporter. Christie was, to Rush, an example of strong conservative leadership, as opposed to what he called “wishy-washy” Republicans. Limbaugh went on to say that Christie's proposed property tax reforms were providing leadership that is missing in the current Republican Party.
Limbaugh returned to his theory that President Obama is using the oil spill crisis to advance his agenda and isn't interested in actually resolving the situation. He added that “we still don't know what Obama's done” on the spill. Limbaugh again falsely claimed that Elena Kagan's thesis was an endorsement of socialism. Despite the clear evidence to the contrary, Limbaugh said that the thesis proves that “this babe” Kagan is “passionate,” “on fire,” and “hot” for socialism.
Most of Limbaugh's vitriol today was reserved today for Attorney General Eric Holder, as he followed other conservatives in falsely claiming Holder had refused to say that “radical Islam” was a cause of terrorism. Limbaugh claimed that Holder was “not up to” his job and that he was “an ideologue running the Department of Justice.” He also said that Holder and President Obama shared the same “values” as radical Islamists. Limbaugh summed up his comments by asking, “We miss Alberto Gonzales yet, folks?” In 2007, then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales resigned under allegations of politicizing the Justice Department.
Here are some highlights from today's show:
Limbaugh: “This is a great day for Obama” because of “chaos” and “tumult”
Limbaugh: “We still don't know what Obama's done” on oil spill besides “making speeches”
Limbaugh: “BP can't hold a candle to the Obama regime when it comes to destruction”
Limbaugh: Holder and Obama share the same “values” as radical Islamists
Limbaugh: “We miss Alberto Gonzales yet, folks?”
Limbaugh on Kagan's thesis: “It is clear this babe is hot for socialism”
Limbaugh embraces Palin's false claim that health reform bill funds abortion