Guest host Mark Steyn began today by talking about the names of upcoming tropical storms and hurricanes, adopting a bad imitation of a French accent when talking about Tropical Storm Gaston. He then moved on to talking down the economy and ranting about the State Department paying for the translation of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf's book. Steyn called Rauf a “freeloader.”
He also talked at length about the gunman who took hostages at Discovery Communications headquarters yesterday. Steyn blamed his actions on Al Gore and environmental books and soon encouraged anyone who advocates population control for environmental reasons to “set an example” and “jump off a building.” Steyn's call might have sounded familiar to regular Rush listeners. He went on to outrageously claim that “environmentalism is fundamentally anti-human” and to blame environmentalism for the bedbug problems in New York City.
Here are the highlights from today's show:
Burn! Limbaugh sub Mark Steyn claims it's “rubbish” that Imam Rauf is “a moderate”
Limbaugh fill-in Steyn: “Environmentalism is fundamentally anti-human”
Rush sub Steyn says the Discovery Channel is “the propaganda arm of the environmental movement”