Today And Everyday's Limbaugh “Theme”: “Liberals Are Destroying Virtually Everything”

By Christine Schwen

Rush focused mostly on the economy today, deciding that he's not going to be “distracted by Elena Kagan,” adding, “She is what she is.” What “she is,” Limbaugh decided yesterday, is a “liberal elitist theoretician.” Instead Limbaugh spent much of the show talking about how “Obama-nomics has spread to Europe,” because Obama reportedly “nudged” Europe into bailing out Greece. Rush added that liberals have to be swept out of power, because unchecked liberalism leads to the destruction of society, and that Obama “is going to destroy everything he encounters.” Rush attempted to back up this claim by advancing the falsehood that there has been no growth in the private sector and later claimed that Obama is “totally delusional” -- because “leftist ideologues are always delusional.”

Rush did turn to Kagan briefly, sparked by a call from an “idiot” who wanted to talk to Rush about how moderate Kagan is. Rush said that he's “in no mood” to take those calls about Kagan, adding that Kagan “has written mostly on the dangers of the collapse of socialism and how we need to revive it.” Of course, that isn't true. He returned to Kagan at the end of the show, falsely claiming that “all we need to know about this woman is that she banned military recruiters from Harvard.”

After some additional ranting about the economy and how liberals are destroying it, Rush turned his attention to Media Matters. First, he offered a full-throated defense of racial profiling, saying that people do it because “it works” (actually, Rush, security experts say otherwise) and “that's why we can't do it.” He then asked that Media Matters highlight his comments. Then he referred to Media Matters' post asking why he was effectively defending slavery yesterday when he attacked Kagan for citing Justice Thurgood Marshall's statement that the Constitution was “defective” for permitting it. Rush did not explain his apparent defense of the slavery provisions of the Constitution.

Then Rush summed up today's (and every day's) show: “I think liberals are a scourge. The whole theme of this program today has been how liberals are destroying virtually everything.”

Here are some highlights from today's show:

Limbaugh: “The whole theme of this program today has been how liberals are destroying virtually everything.”

Limbaugh offers non-defense of his attack on Kagan and Marshall

Limbaugh repeats myth about Kagan: “All we know about this woman is that she banned military recruiters from Harvard”

Limbaugh on racial profiling: “The reason why they profile? It works. That's why we can't do it.”

Limbaugh: “Obama is totally delusional,” “leftist ideologues are always delusional”

Limbaugh falsely claims Kagan “has written mostly on the dangers of the collapse of socialism and how we need to revive it”

Limbaugh falsehood: “No economic growth, other than in the government sector”

Limbaugh on Obama: “This guy is going to destroy everything he encounters”

Lester Leavitt contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.