No polling please, the topic is Palin

The uniform refusal of the Beltway press corps to ever mention Sarah Palin's dismal polling numbers, even when journalists are specifically handicapping her political future, continues to be sad spectacle to watch.

The latest? ABC's The Note. Here's the headline:

President Obama vs. Sarah Palin? Former Alaska Gov. Takes Aim at President:

And the lede [emphasis added]:

President Obama is trying to regain momentum on health care overhaul, but the push comes as Democrats seem dejected and Republicans like Sarah Palin grow increasingly confident.

Good to know. Palin is feeling increasing “confident” and may even take on Obama in 2012, we learn. What ABC is careful to never mention is that recent polling shows Obama would demolish Palin in a head-to-head match-up.

And that's way the press prefers to play the Palin game. Her God-awful polling numbers, even among Republicans, must never, ever be mentioned or put in context.

Why? Because acknowledging how widely unpopular Palin actually is would then throw into question why the Beltway press corps continues to shower her with never-ending attention.