Sean Hannity’s plan to start the baseball season includes banning popcorn and peanuts but allowing hot dogs

Sean Hannity: “You'll have to accept they're not going to have popcorn and peanuts because you have to keep your respirator off the whole time to eat it, but maybe you could have a hot dog”

Sean Hannity’s plan to start the baseball season includes banning popcorn and peanuts but allowing hot dogs

Sean Hannity’s plan to start the baseball season includes banning popcorn and peanuts but allowing hot dogs
Audio file


From the April 16, 2020, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show:

SEAN HANNITY (HOST):  If the option is if you want to go to Yankee Stadium, you want to go to Citi Field, you want to watch the Jets and Giants, if the option is -- well, you're first going to have to have your temperature taken, they have the non-invasive tests, knowing that all the players, all of the personnel, all of the ticket takers, all of the food handlers have all been tested COVID positive negative, that would be a must.

Everyone going to a sporting event or a concert outdoors would have to accept -- either you -- either you accept that you're going to have your temperature taken, it's not invasive, they just put it up to your head, or else you don't get admitted. You have a choice to make. You don't have to do it. And if you'd have to accept for a period of time masks and gloves would be mandatory at a game, football -- you know, it's cold anyway for most of the Jets, Giants season.

You know, you'll have to accept they're not going to have popcorn and peanuts because you have to keep your respirator off the whole time to eat it, but maybe you could have a hot dog, and, you know, you take a bite and you put your mask back on. You know, you slip a straw with a beer or coke, and you sip it that way with your mask on, what's the big deal? That doesn't bother me. 

If the option is that I get to go to the game but I have to get the temperature checked, wear a mask and gloves, I'll choose to go. My choice, everyone else has to make their own minds up.


Maybe if they want to be extra careful, maybe you start, you can only sell every other seat? I'd rather not just have it on TV, it's not as exciting. But, you know, if you have the masks mandatory, the gloves mandatory, the temperature taking mandatory -- you know, you're not going to be shaking hands with anybody. 

For me, I'm willing to live with that risk, and I don't think there's a big risk that you're going to have a major outbreak with those precautions being taken. The idea is to open things, but open them safely.