Sean Hannity's lawyer is apparently soliciting donations for the Kenosha gunman Article 08/27/20 7:58 PM EDT
Fox News' support for violent right-wing vigilantism is as horrifying as it was inevitable Article 08/27/20 2:38 PM EDT
A gunman killed two protesters in Kenosha. Fox News figures have sided with the shooter. Article 08/27/20 1:16 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: “How shocked are we that 17-year-olds with rifles decided they had to maintain order when no one else would?” Video & Audio 08/26/20 8:24 PM EDT
Right-wing media seek to justify shooting of Jacob Blake by smearing his past Article 08/26/20 4:24 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: “Joe Biden's voters really are a threat to you and your family” Video & Audio 08/25/20 8:21 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson says people blaming the police officer for repeatedly shooting Jacob Blake are attempting to “inflame fear and race hate” Video & Audio 08/24/20 8:41 PM EDT
Fox’s whitewash of Trump's QAnon endorsement helps explain how it happened in the first place Article 08/21/20 1:29 PM EDT
The definitive guide to Fox News' treatment of the QAnon conspiracy theory Article 08/21/20 11:20 AM EDT
Fox has spent the last month repeatedly lying about Biden's climate plan Article 08/20/20 3:51 PM EDT
Before MyPillow's CEO touted oleandrin for COVID-19, Fox's John Solomon lauded it with Steve Bannon Article 08/19/20 3:14 PM EDT
Timeline: The myriad ways Facebook has exploited users' trust and privacy for profit in recent years Narrative/Timeline 08/19/20 11:55 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson launches unhinged attack on Cardi B for promoting proper hygiene Video & Audio 08/18/20 10:29 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: Michelle Obama wants “everyone who looks like her” to have “dominion over you” Video & Audio 08/18/20 8:31 PM EDT