Right-wing media spread false claims about Social Security checks and the Postal Service Article 08/18/20 12:55 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson claims concern over U.S. Postal Service is part of preparations for a military overthrow of Donald Trump Video & Audio 08/17/20 9:18 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson mocks concern for USPS and says vote by mail “makes voter fraud easier” Video & Audio 08/17/20 8:55 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: “Fauci is just another oily politician on an ego trip” Video & Audio 08/14/20 8:32 PM EDT
Right-wing media freak out over “tyrannical” Biden proposal for nationwide mask mandate Article 08/14/20 2:36 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson calls workplace anti-bias training “poison” and reverse racism Video & Audio 08/13/20 9:14 PM EDT
Trump's new coronavirus “adviser” is a right-wing media talking head who is consistently wrong Article 08/13/20 4:11 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: Kamala Harris only wants “people of a certain color” to get coronavirus vaccine Video & Audio 08/12/20 8:48 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson is using nativist conspiracy theories to attack Black Lives Matter Article 08/12/20 4:07 PM EDT
Russian propaganda and far-right media wildly exaggerated a story about Bible-burnings in Portland — and Fox News ran with it Article 08/12/20 10:39 AM EDT
Right-wing media leap to attack Kamala Harris as the Democratic vice presidential candidate Research/Study 08/11/20 10:17 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson says growing up protestant is why he didn’t notice Joe Biden is enforcing sharia law Video & Audio 08/11/20 9:32 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson lashes out after guest corrects his pronunciation of Kamala Harris' name Video & Audio 08/11/20 8:46 PM EDT
Fox's dangerous efforts to downplay COVID's impact on kids mirror Trump's push to reopen schools Article 08/11/20 2:30 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: “Demographic shifts” will lead to cities being “broke, dirty, and dangerous” Video & Audio 08/10/20 8:46 PM EDT
Newly leaked police bodycam footage of George Floyd’s killing has right-wing media figures peddling conspiracy theories about his death Article 08/10/20 12:13 PM EDT
“Long COVID” and the ongoing public health dangers that Fox News hosts ignore Article 08/07/20 8:00 AM EDT