Kristol: “White women are a problem, that's, you know -- we all live with that” Article 02/03/08 12:41 PM EST
WSJ's Strassel falsely claimed McCain drew more NH independents to the GOP primary in 2008 Article 02/01/08 5:30 PM EST
Carlson falsely claimed Giustra allowed Clinton personally to “get rich” Article 02/01/08 12:41 PM EST
Rocky article reporting criticism of Polis ad quoted “consultant” without noting her GOP affiliation, campaign against Polis' Amendment 41 Article 01/29/08 4:47 PM EST
Rocky article on criticism of ProgressNow anti-“bitch-slap” campaign omitted ties among source, reporter, and Caldara Article 01/28/08 6:41 PM EST
Imus regular on claim that Clinton was “first black president”: “I thought it was because he'd had an affinity for fat white women” Article 01/24/08 1:41 PM EST
Newsweek's Alter, like NY Times, omitted Rose's on-air explanation for abrupt ending of Clinton interview Article 01/21/08 3:12 PM EST
Fox's Gallagher on 1930s MI labor movement: “organization by way of strikes, votes, violence” Article 01/17/08 7:41 PM EST
Olbermann: O'Reilly “laughing at” Edwards' statistic about homeless veterans Article 01/17/08 4:20 PM EST
Morris, Ingraham claimed Clinton's expression of emotion raises questions about her national security credentials Article 01/08/08 8:27 PM EST
ABC's Golodryga: Fact that 66 percent of Facebook respondents said “a Democratic president [could] keep America safe” “surprised us” Article 01/06/08 3:14 PM EST
LA Times' Malcolm misrepresented sourcing for Novak column on Clinton campaign Article 01/04/08 7:41 PM EST