AZ Sheriff Babeu appears on a white nationalist program, invites listeners to join his “posse” Article 07/19/10 3:07 PM EDT
Bipartisan agreement: Fox-hyped New Black Panthers case is a phony scandal Article 07/17/10 5:21 PM EDT
Beck: If Black Liberation Theology were true, “then Jesus would have ... made the Jews pay for what they did” Video & Audio 07/15/10 7:49 PM EDT
Media Matters: The greatest science “scandal” “in the history of man” predictably falls apart Article 07/09/10 6:32 PM EDT
Quinn's takeaway from New Black Panther's anti-white rant: Welfare breeds “indolence” and “hatred” Video & Audio 07/08/10 6:01 PM EDT
Quinn hypes manufactured New Black Panther story, calls civil rights community “race-baiting poverty pimps” Video & Audio 07/06/10 10:36 AM EDT
Stossel says that “poor people have a weight problem” so we “don't need a bigger welfare state” Video & Audio 06/24/10 5:25 PM EDT
Huckabee admits he's opposed to gay marriage, in part, because of the “ick factor” Article 06/21/10 11:55 AM EDT
Food Research and Action Center: Rush is “at the opposite end of the human spectrum from Swift” with “dumpster dive” comments Article 06/18/10 6:20 PM EDT
Schultz: Limbaugh “completely ignorant about the serious problem of hunger in this country” with “dumpster dive” comments Video & Audio 06/17/10 6:43 PM EDT
Limbaugh's “dumpster dive” suggestion only latest salvo in his war on the poor Article 06/17/10 4:45 PM EDT
White nationalist: I was “working in cooperation” with WorldNetDaily, which gave me “huge national exposure” Article 06/16/10 1:32 PM EDT