Dobbs falsely asserted Democratic Congress is less popular than Republican-led predecessor Article 06/04/07 3:58 PM EDT
Federal judge blasted Her Way co-author Van Natta for “fraudulent attribution” in 1999 Times article Article 05/31/07 7:46 PM EDT
Web version of NY Times Gerth article left uncorrected 13 years after publication Article 05/30/07 6:00 PM EDT
Peers have criticized Clinton bio co-author Jeff Gerth for flawed reporting Article 05/24/07 8:41 PM EDT
Media blasted Edwards for speech fee but omitted Giuliani speeches, Edwards' explanation Article 05/23/07 7:41 PM EDT
“Not a single word”: On Rosen's show, Tancredo distorted immigration reform proposal Article 05/23/07 6:41 PM EDT
SF Chronicle called Edwards' speech fee “whopping” but ignored Giuliani's much larger fees Article 05/22/07 4:41 PM EDT
Ignoring reader question about networks, Broder asserted media have been “aggressive and extensive” in covering Gonzales Article 05/18/07 6:41 PM EDT
Savage called Latino advocacy group “the Ku Klux Klan of the Hispanic people” Article 05/18/07 5:41 PM EDT
Rocky's Carroll argued that Clear Channel broadcasts featuring inflammatory and bigoted speech by right-wing hosts belong on the “public airwaves” Article 05/15/07 8:41 PM EDT
Ignoring polling, Liasson claimed on Fox News Sunday that all Republicans beat Clinton Article 05/14/07 1:42 PM EDT
Wash. Post's Weisman “won't believe” impeachment polls, even those conducted by his own paper Article 05/14/07 12:38 PM EDT
Ignoring her extensive record of bright colors and big smiles, Fox's Cameron said Clinton wearing both to solve “likability problem” Article 05/10/07 3:41 PM EDT
Rocky evaluation of legislative session mischaracterized workers-comp bill, dubiously credited GOP on vote Dems won Article 05/07/07 7:48 PM EDT
ABC, Fox News reported on Rice meeting with Syrian foreign minister without noting relentless criticism of Pelosi trip Article 05/07/07 5:41 PM EDT