Misrepresenting debate question, Wash. Post said Obama “did not directly answer” a question about his pastor and Farrakhan Article 02/28/08 6:44 PM EST
Matthews, Carlson, Wolffe “impress[ed]” by McCain's denunciation of Cunningham remarks, despite McCain's own smears and failure to denounce others' Article 02/27/08 8:23 PM EST
Following McCain rally appearance, Bill Cunningham used Obama's middle name seven times on Hannity & Colmes Article 02/27/08 4:44 PM EST
Wall Street Journal, CNN's Cafferty latest to apply “straight talk” label to McCain despite his growing list of falsehoods Article 02/22/08 3:44 PM EST
Tucker Carlson echoed Kaus, VDARE contributor on Michelle Obama: “I think she's got a chip on her shoulder” Article 02/21/08 5:21 PM EST
Wash. Post's Robinson on O'Reilly remark: “There's certainly nothing at all funny or remotely appropriate about the use of a lynching reference” Article 02/21/08 12:44 PM EST
On This Week, George Will falsely asserted that “in the primaries,” McCain “has achieved more independent voters than Obama” Article 02/19/08 9:20 PM EST
Savage claimed Lantos used the Holocaust as “a weapon the rest of his life” Article 02/12/08 3:44 PM EST
WSJ's Strassel falsely claimed McCain drew more NH independents to the GOP primary in 2008 Article 02/01/08 5:30 PM EST
Fox's Gallagher on 1930s MI labor movement: “organization by way of strikes, votes, violence” Article 01/17/08 7:41 PM EST
Olbermann: O'Reilly “laughing at” Edwards' statistic about homeless veterans Article 01/17/08 4:20 PM EST
CNN's Snow falsely suggested McCain wants to preserve only Bush's middle-class tax cuts Article 01/15/08 6:44 PM EST
Media outlets continued to mislead on the Clintons' “fairy tale” and civil rights quotes Article 01/13/08 6:49 PM EST