ABC's Golodryga: Fact that 66 percent of Facebook respondents said “a Democratic president [could] keep America safe” “surprised us” Article 01/06/08 3:14 PM EST
On Hannity & Colmes, Tammy Bruce purported to explain “Rodham family values” Article 12/21/07 5:33 PM EST
NY Post editorial omitted that Clinton Foundation growth reportedly connected to expanded philanthropy work Article 12/21/07 2:11 PM EST
Ignoring key bill, Wash. Post's Milbank attempted to refute Obama's statement that he “expanded health care in Illinois” Article 12/17/07 3:17 PM EST
O'Reilly to caller: “I don't think your assessment” that Oprah's “voting for [Obama] because he's black” “is wrong” Article 12/13/07 7:35 PM EST
Wash. Post's Milbank compares Edwards' haircuts to undocumented workers at Romney's home while “he's complaining about illegal immigrants” Article 12/12/07 7:46 PM EST
O'Reilly suggested celebrities' support for Edwards is akin to that of serial killers Dahmer and Gacy Video & Audio 12/11/07 4:04 PM EST
In “Front-runners” profile of Edwards, four Wash. Post pieces mentioned expensive haircuts Article 12/11/07 1:14 PM EST
CNN's Cooper praised Huckabee's failure to answer WWJD question as “probably one of the best answers you could possibly come up to” Article 11/30/07 11:52 AM EST
Beck invoked purported “reconquista” movement in discussion of rioting in France Article 11/29/07 8:12 PM EST
Carlson: If Al Gore were president, "[w]e'd ... be living in yurts in the dark" Video & Audio 11/27/07 2:00 PM EST
In "[s]eriously stunning" critique of Media Matters “debate 'don'ts,' ” NBC's Chuck Todd left out all those referring to NBC's Russert Article 11/15/07 8:10 PM EST
On Morning Joe, Kudlow falsely asserted that Democrats want to “rais[e] taxes across the board” Article 11/02/07 5:19 PM EDT