Fox's Geraldo Rivera attacks Sen. Durbin for “ratting” Trump out on his racist “shithole” remark Video & Audio 01/19/18 9:26 AM EST
NRA’s denial it has illegal ties to Russia hits stumbling block with revelation of FBI investigation Article 01/18/18 1:40 PM EST
CNN’s Ed Martin praises Trump for ordering CNN’s Jim Acosta out of the Oval Office: “It’s really funny" and "amazing to see” Article 01/18/18 1:22 PM EST
On The Opposition with Jordan Klepper, Matt Gertz discusses the Trump-Fox feedback loop Video & Audio 01/18/18 7:41 AM EST
Fox's Newt Gingrich: “Abraham Lincoln was attacked with about the same savagery, and the same viciousness as Donald Trump” Video & Audio 01/17/18 10:36 PM EST
Newt Gingrich: Reporters who don't meet a “hostility standard” should be removed from the White House press corps Video & Audio 01/17/18 5:05 PM EST
Senior DHS adviser Frank Wuco claimed “societies and nations for millennia have suffered greatly” for LGBTQ acceptance Article 01/17/18 10:21 AM EST
Fox's Howard Kurtz thinks Trump's “shithole” controversy is about “bad language” instead of racism Video & Audio 01/14/18 1:11 PM EST
Alex Jones claims false report of missile headed towards Hawaii was orchestrated by Trump’s opponents to embarrass him Video & Audio 01/14/18 1:05 PM EST
Meet Peter Imanuelsen, aka Peter Sweden, the bigoted conspiracy theorist who is a frequent source for the American “alt-right” on Europe Article 01/12/18 5:12 PM EST
Alex Jones: “You got a lot of black folks who are acting like predators out attacking white people” Article 01/12/18 4:58 PM EST
Trump's “shithole” comments are racist. Everyone needs to just say that. Article 01/12/18 2:17 PM EST
Here are the right-wing media figures defending Trump’s racist “shithole” comment Article 01/12/18 2:15 PM EST