Sinclair is bringing right-wing COVID-19 talking points and conspiracy theories to local news stations Article 05/01/20 10:44 AM EDT
Twitter is facilitating the promotion of an Infowars host’s rally that will flout Texas’ social distancing order Article 04/16/20 2:44 PM EDT
On Trans Day of Visibility, watch these five stories of incredible trans youth Article 03/31/20 2:44 PM EDT
Trump is promoting an unproven COVID-19 cure after reckless speculation on Fox News Article 03/24/20 4:44 PM EDT
Sean Hannity: “Anyone that says they saw this coming is full of it” Video & Audio 03/23/20 9:44 PM EDT
Fox News host criticizes Dr. Fauci's quarantine recommendations: It will hurt businesses too much Video & Audio 03/23/20 10:44 AM EDT
Sean Hannity defends Trish Regan: “They're doing special corona coverage that's all” Video & Audio 03/17/20 6:44 PM EDT
Infowars guest host tells people to buy their products to protect themselves from coronavirus Video & Audio 03/16/20 11:44 AM EDT
Fox Business guest opposes paid sick leave for coronavirus: Democrats will want permanent social program Video & Audio 03/09/20 11:44 AM EDT
Putting lives at risk, Fox News helps Trump push misinformation about the coronavirus Article 03/05/20 9:44 AM EST
Fox News nonplussed as White House spokesperson suggests illegal purge of government Article 02/24/20 12:44 PM EST
Fox News guest: If Harvey Weinstein is convicted, it will “redefine the idea of consent in a very, very dangerous way to where men have to read minds” Video & Audio 02/21/20 3:44 PM EST
A foreign spammer channel on YouTube earned millions of views by spreading American political disinformation Article 02/20/20 12:33 PM EST
As pardon inches closer, Fox's judicial analyst and Trump complain about Roger Stone's trial Article 02/18/20 1:44 PM EST
USDA taxpayer-funded podcast is a paean to Trump and his disastrous agricultural trade policy Article 02/10/20 9:45 AM EST
Ben Shapiro: The right to vote should require “some sort of minimum level of knowledge” Video & Audio 02/03/20 10:44 PM EST
Sean Hannity is conducting Trump’s Super Bowl interview because Fox’s primary purpose is propaganda Article 01/31/20 7:44 AM EST