Fox & Friends Sunday defends white supremacist Charlottesville protesters: “There’s a reason those people were out there” Video & Audio 08/13/17 9:56 AM EDT
Jake Tapper explains how fake news and “alt-right” fringe conspiracy theorists are pushing #FireMcMaster Video & Audio 08/11/17 5:43 PM EDT
Fox guest praises Trump's decision to thank Putin for expelling diplomats Video & Audio 08/11/17 3:21 PM EDT
“Personal Gestapo,” “witness intimidation,” and “a witch hunt”: How pro-Trump media reacted to the Manafort raid Article 08/11/17 8:43 AM EDT
Fox anchor: Is media showing a double standard by expecting more from Trump than Kim Jong Un? Video & Audio 08/10/17 3:05 PM EDT
Washington Blade highlights the influence of hate groups on White House policy Article 08/10/17 2:08 PM EDT
Human rights organizations call on top US newscasts to “shine a spotlight” on Chechnya’s anti-gay abuses Article 08/10/17 9:29 AM EDT
Fox contributor: The Bible gives Trump "moral authority to use whatever force necessary” against North Korea Video & Audio 08/10/17 7:56 AM EDT
Right-wing media figures and online bots are going after “weak, spineless” Mitch McConnell Article 08/09/17 8:49 PM EDT
CNN's Jake Tapper slams Trump's improvised comments promising “fire and fury” to North Korea Video & Audio 08/09/17 6:25 PM EDT
Fox News and fake news purveyors praise Trump’s North Korea threat that experts call irresponsible Article 08/09/17 4:08 PM EDT
Fox anchor Jon Scott: "Some might call” the FBI's raid of Paul Manafort's house “witness intimidation” Video & Audio 08/09/17 1:44 PM EDT
Alex Jones: People should react to journalists at CNN reporting on Trump like they do to a pedophile serial killer Video & Audio 08/09/17 11:43 AM EDT
Alex Jones says he is a “maniac” before saying he talks to Trump and writes him memos Video & Audio 08/08/17 5:33 PM EDT
CNN anchor: Trump retweeted a Fox report that contained classified info from anonymous source after criticizing the practice Video & Audio 08/08/17 4:34 PM EDT
The sinister implication of that Breitbart article that everyone is mocking Article 08/08/17 4:21 PM EDT
We looked at Trump's Twitter interactions for more than a year. A lot of them are suspicious. Article 08/08/17 2:59 PM EDT