Even Fox’s Chris Wallace is pointing out “there is no evidence tax cuts pay for themselves” Video & Audio 10/01/17 11:51 AM EDT
Hate group Alliance Defending Freedom seeks to expand public funding for schools that discriminate against LGBTQ students Article 09/29/17 1:30 PM EDT
Rush Limbaugh: NFL protests are a leftist plot “to cause great damage to the NFL” because it stands for “masculinity” Video & Audio 09/28/17 10:15 PM EDT
EPA chief Scott Pruitt's official schedule omitted many right-wing media appearances Article 09/28/17 11:55 AM EDT
Economist Jeffrey Sachs slams Trump's “unbelievable” and “shambolic” tax agenda Video & Audio 09/28/17 10:15 AM EDT
ADF and friends: Hate group Alliance Defending Freedom is at the center of an anti-LGBTQ industry Research/Study 09/28/17 9:03 AM EDT
Local TV coverage of Graham-Cassidy largely overlooked some of its scariest flaws Article 09/26/17 1:15 PM EDT
By bringing back Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity proves he's a reckless loose cannon Article 09/25/17 10:27 PM EDT
Here's a textbook example of how climate misinformation spreads through right-wing media Article 09/25/17 3:52 PM EDT
Sunday political talk shows barely cover Hurricane Maria’s devastation of Puerto Rico Article 09/24/17 3:01 PM EDT
On CNN, health care expert calls GOP repeal effort “the worst of all bills that the Republicans have offered” Video & Audio 09/22/17 10:14 AM EDT
Alex Jones tells Jimmy Kimmel to stop “pimping your kid out there to push Obamacare” Video & Audio 09/21/17 3:21 PM EDT
Trump keeps retweeting accounts that promote fake news, conspiracy theories, and message boards beloved by white nationalists Article 09/20/17 4:17 PM EDT
Bill O'Reilly: “95 percent of the women at Fox News” would say I'm a good mentor Video & Audio 09/20/17 4:15 PM EDT
“Free Democrat ad”: Right-wing media assail Jimmy Kimmel for criticizing Bill Cassidy’s lies about Obamacare repeal Article 09/20/17 3:40 PM EDT
Fox host: NY Times and CNN are “meddling in our US government” by reporting on leaks in the Manafort investigation Video & Audio 09/20/17 3:05 PM EDT
Anti-abortion violence and harassment was already bad. Right-wing media are making it worse. Research/Study 09/20/17 2:14 PM EDT