Jeff Sessions' statement rescinding DACA was packed with bigoted right-wing media lies Article 09/05/17 4:43 PM EDT
Limbaugh says Irma hurricane warnings are a scheme to benefit retailers, media, and the “climate change agenda” Video & Audio 09/05/17 3:57 PM EDT
In honor of Labor Day, Fox & Friends let an obscure acupuncturist lie about raising the minimum wage Article 09/05/17 1:51 PM EDT
Long-debunked lie that George Soros was a Nazi collaborator resurfaces thanks to Dinesh D’Souza Article 09/01/17 4:38 PM EDT
For months, pundits have called Trump a populist, but his policies have been about giveaways to the rich Article 08/31/17 3:30 PM EDT
Fox host: Democrats are afraid of tax reform because the economy will grow so much that they won’t win any elections Video & Audio 08/31/17 9:34 AM EDT
Trump sycophant Tomi Lahren joins Fox News after taking cues from Sean Hannity Article 08/30/17 7:55 PM EDT
Hannity gets his stories from the internet fever swamps: The Ana Navarro story Article 08/30/17 6:14 PM EDT
Right-wing media reacted to presidential disaster response very differently when Obama was president Article 08/30/17 5:15 PM EDT
What media are getting wrong about Trump, Mattis, and the transgender troop ban Article 08/30/17 3:28 PM EDT
Conservative media launch partisan attack against Houston Democrats over evacuation orders Article 08/29/17 3:51 PM EDT
Denver area “stabbing” that caused Alex Jones to issue a “travel advisory” for white people was a hoax Article 08/28/17 4:37 PM EDT
Fox's Byron York defends Trump’s pardon of Arpaio with an inaccurate comparison to Chelsea Manning Video & Audio 08/28/17 3:11 PM EDT
MSNBC invites Bush's FEMA director during Katrina to discuss how Trump should respond to hurricanes Video & Audio 08/25/17 6:15 PM EDT
Alex Jones suggests Michelle Obama has a penis and may have murdered Joan Rivers Video & Audio 08/25/17 3:19 PM EDT
Before he joined Trump, Bannon bragged he made Breitbart the home of the “alt-right.” Now he's back. Research/Study 08/25/17 12:47 PM EDT
CNN military analyst: Trump's transgender military ban is a “broken” promise to troops who were told they could serve openly Video & Audio 08/24/17 3:25 PM EDT