Mainstream media put price before substance in coverage of Democratic negotiations over budget bills Article 10/05/21 11:28 AM EDT
Fox host: Facebook whistleblower revelations about hate and misinformation could lead to censorship of views “that are a lot more like yours and mine” Video & Audio 10/04/21 8:09 PM EDT
Fox News guest attacks vaccine mandates for large companies: “That's bad for business” Video & Audio 10/04/21 5:05 PM EDT
Right-wing media erroneously use FBI crime report to blame murder spike on police reforms Article 10/04/21 2:59 PM EDT
Fox host compares abortion to eugenics, calling it a “stain on this nation” Video & Audio 10/04/21 1:32 PM EDT
How the Chicago Sun-Times and Fox News attacked Sen. Tammy Duckworth and other disabled veterans over a tax benefit Article 10/04/21 11:47 AM EDT
Fox host says “the risk to children from the vaccine outweighs the risk to COVID” Video & Audio 10/01/21 8:01 PM EDT
Behind-the-scenes glimpse at Fox News reveals extent of its masking policy Video & Audio 10/01/21 7:26 PM EDT
CNN's Don Lemon calls out Fox News for spreading deadly COVID misinformation Video & Audio 10/01/21 6:06 PM EDT
MyPillow's Mike Lindell says he's tricking Fox News into running his ads promoting election fraud conspiracy theories Video & Audio 10/01/21 1:30 PM EDT
Fox's John Rich: Democrats' agenda is meant to bring “destruction” so they can “fully control” America Video & Audio 10/01/21 11:38 AM EDT
Fox News host denies that any hospitals reached capacity and says the unvaccinated are not a threat to anyone Video & Audio 10/01/21 11:14 AM EDT
Fox's Newt Gingrich: Democrats “can’t win with regular Americans, they sure can’t win with people who come here legally” Video & Audio 09/30/21 9:53 PM EDT
Sean Hannity says America should charge immigrants for citizenship Video & Audio 09/30/21 9:34 PM EDT
Fox's Mark Levin: Unvaccinated people “come down with the virus. They get the natural immunity. … they’re less of a threat than people who’ve been vaccinated” Video & Audio 09/30/21 9:00 PM EDT