Limbaugh declares Obama's speech to students “100 percent conservative in its message” Video & Audio 09/08/09 2:30 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Obama “would have been more true to himself” if he quoted Frank Marshall Davis and told kids they'd be “set up” and “used” Video & Audio 09/08/09 2:29 PM EDT
Limbaugh tells his listeners media are “motivate[ed]” to ignore Van Jones because of “their hate for us” Video & Audio 09/08/09 2:14 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Obama was elected “by a bunch of whiners ... and some guilty white people” Video & Audio 09/08/09 2:00 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Obama's reference to “personal responsibility” in education speech is “great stuff, but that's not what he believes” Video & Audio 09/08/09 1:52 PM EDT
Limbaugh says “original intent” of Obama's speech to students was “right out of the pages of” Kim Jong Il Video & Audio 09/08/09 1:51 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Van Jones is Jeremiah Wright, is Bill Ayers ... Van Jones is Obama” Video & Audio 09/08/09 1:17 PM EDT
Media Matters: Glue? Check. Protractor? Check. No. 2 pencils? Check. Insane reaction to president's back-to-school speech? Check. Article 09/04/09 8:16 PM EDT
The Friday Rush: The arrogance and misinformation persist, even when Limbaugh is away Article 09/04/09 7:15 PM EDT
Savage claims Obama's letter-writing lesson plan is an “indoctrination plan,” “something you'd see out of the master leader Kim Jong Il” Video & Audio 09/04/09 5:57 PM EDT
Fill-In Williams Promotes Secessionist Group, Laments That Secession “Didn't Work” The Last Time Article 09/04/09 3:57 PM EDT
Williams on report that Iraqis are selling organs: “I think that's wonderful”; “I should have a right to sell my organs” Video & Audio 09/04/09 3:45 PM EDT
Limbaugh guest Sowell said Obama speech to students reminded him of “Hitler Youth” Video & Audio 09/04/09 3:06 PM EDT
On Limbaugh, Sowell claims that under health reform “a lot of old people are gonna be sacrificed” Video & Audio 09/04/09 3:05 PM EDT
Williams: Health reform proponents may not support Mao's murders, but they support that “level of government control” Video & Audio 09/04/09 3:00 PM EDT