Limbaugh: Mexican immigrants who illegally enter the U.S. are “unwilling to work” Article 03/28/06 1:11 PM EST
Limbaugh blasted kidnapped peace activists again: “self-absorbed, self-inflated, self-important people” who made their rescue “all about them” Article 03/24/06 3:07 PM EST
Limbaugh on Dems' oil merger comments: “This is Stalinist and Marxist ... You can rape us” Video & Audio 03/20/06 3:11 PM EST
Limbaugh attacked poll of U.S. troops funded by peace studies center: “a bunch of long-haired, maggot-infested, dope-smoking, FM peace-types that have an agenda” Video & Audio 03/20/06 10:55 AM EST
Limbaugh falsely claimed that Kucinich's Dept. of Peace bill would "[g]et rid of the Department of Defense" Article 03/17/06 6:18 PM EST
Limbaugh: Iraqi insurgents “probably in their last gasp over there or close to it” Article 03/17/06 10:55 AM EST
Ignoring history, media touted Feingold censure proposal as GOP political opportunity Article 03/17/06 9:53 AM EST
Olbermann crowned Limbaugh “Worst Person in the World” for “slave master” comment Article 03/16/06 11:29 AM EST
Conservatives who denounced previous CBS poll now mum on latest poll showing same results Article 03/15/06 5:17 PM EST
Limbaugh on marriage of journalists Carney and Shipman: a relationship between “slave owner and husband” Article 03/14/06 5:34 PM EST
Limbaugh on Milosevic death: “I'm not dot-connecting or anything” but “Slobo was considering calling Bill Clinton as a witness” Article 03/14/06 4:35 PM EST
Left meets right: On Fox News Watch, Neal Gabler and Cal Thomas concur on trumped-up nature of Colorado teacher story Article 03/14/06 9:20 AM EST
Limbaugh on port deal opposition: "[I]t's a lynch mob"; Republicans “beating their chests like a bunch of Tarzans” Video & Audio 03/10/06 12:09 PM EST
MSNBC's Matthews claimed dislike of Hillary Clinton determined '94 elections; Buchanan echoed Limbaugh's smear Article 03/08/06 2:52 PM EST
Olbermann: Limbaugh the runner-up “Worst Person” for comparing Sen. Clinton to “screeching ex-wife” Video & Audio 03/08/06 2:26 PM EST
Limbaugh on Hillary Clinton: “She sounds like a screeching ex-wife. ... Men will know what I mean by this” Article 03/07/06 11:22 AM EST