How cable news should cover Trump's latest effort to screw you over while helping big banks Article 11/27/17 2:57 PM EST
Fox & Friends gave Trump's FCC chairman a free pass to spin his assault on net neutrality Article 11/22/17 12:09 PM EST
4 ways right-wing media are shilling for tax reform (and why they're wrong) Article 11/21/17 5:07 PM EST
Echoing Fox & Friends, Trump blasts NFL player for sitting during national anthem Article 11/20/17 7:45 AM EST
Trump administration officials use Sunday news shows to lie about GOP tax bills Article 11/19/17 2:32 PM EST
CNN's Brianna Keilar explains how GOP tax plans are “propped up by, frankly, dishonest math” Video & Audio 11/17/17 5:49 PM EST
MSNBC hosts outline how GOP tax plan directly benefits Trump and the super rich Video & Audio 11/17/17 12:59 PM EST
Cable news largely ignores the Trump administration's latest assault on protections for immigrant families Article 11/13/17 3:47 PM EST
Trump mirrors right-wing media plea to scuttle ACA's individual mandate in GOP tax plan Article 11/13/17 1:30 PM EST
Fox & Friends Weekend host: “Has the press literally undermined the president's trip” in Asia? Video & Audio 11/12/17 1:18 PM EST
Watch MSNBC's Ali Velshi debunk Republican talking points about tax cuts Video & Audio 11/09/17 4:58 PM EST
On Sinclair stations, Boris Epshteyn covered GOP losses by regurgitating Trump tweets Article 11/08/17 1:27 PM EST
Echoing Trump, Fox & Friends says Gillespie lost because he didn't embrace the president Video & Audio 11/08/17 7:49 AM EST
Fox News host upset that reporters asked the White House about indictments of former Trump campaign officials Video & Audio 10/30/17 5:51 PM EDT
Outnumbered peddles Republican misinformation while weighing in on Virginia governor's race Video & Audio 10/27/17 1:37 PM EDT
Fox & Friends: Media conspire to publish negative Trump stories whenever he “gets on a roll” Video & Audio 10/26/17 9:03 AM EDT
Trump to Lou Dobbs: “I'm so proud I have been able to convince people how fake” the news media is Video & Audio 10/25/17 8:16 PM EDT