Conservative media falsely claim activist parents will be labeled “domestic terrorists” Article 10/27/21 12:04 PM EDT
Roger Stone thanks Sean Hannity for “giving me private advice” during Mueller investigation Video & Audio 10/26/21 5:53 PM EDT
Fox News’ relentless and outlandish attacks on every vaccine mandate except for its own Research/Study 10/22/21 9:19 AM EDT
Sean Hannity calls for “means testing” immigrants to make sure they won't be “a burden on the American people” Video & Audio 10/21/21 10:10 PM EDT
Sean Hannity praises people who quit over vaccine mandates but says “I don’t think my calling is to quit” Video & Audio 10/21/21 5:27 PM EDT
Fox News downplays the demands from recent Indigenous-led climate protests to portray the activists as violent extremists Article 10/21/21 2:23 PM EDT
Sean Hannity pushes the white nationalist great replacement theory Video & Audio 10/14/21 10:22 PM EDT
Sean Hannity warns the government is going to “tie you down and put the jab in you” Video & Audio 10/13/21 6:17 PM EDT
Sean Hannity instructs listeners to call his radio show for information about COVID treatments Video & Audio 10/13/21 5:21 PM EDT
Facebook tweaked its News Feed algorithm, and right-leaning pages are reaping the benefits Research/Study 10/08/21 12:00 PM EDT
Sean Hannity attacks Mitch McConnell, says he should not “be the leader of the Republicans in the Senate” Video & Audio 10/07/21 5:21 PM EDT
Sean Hannity promotes political ad depicting immigrants as “COVID-infected illegals spreading the virus, killing our people, a petri dish of disease” Video & Audio 10/06/21 9:51 PM EDT
Sean Hannity launches vicious attack on “free school lunches, even when school is out for the summer” Video & Audio 10/01/21 5:03 PM EDT