So it turns out that Bronny James didn’t actually suffer a vaccine injury Article 08/30/23 10:01 AM EDT
Fox News' Jonathan Turley: Federal courts may intervene if Trump wins the presidency while serving time in state prison Video & Audio 08/29/23 9:14 PM EDT
Fox News' Jeanine Pirro blames “green energy” for the Maui fire devastation Video & Audio 08/29/23 6:14 PM EDT
Fox News is touting a dubious new documentary repeating misleading claims about offshore wind link to whale deaths Research/Study 08/29/23 5:14 PM EDT
How the New York Post ginned up a corruption accusation against a special counsel investigator Research/Study 08/29/23 3:17 PM EDT
Fox contributor calls Nikki Haley “Hillary Clinton 2.0” for campaigning “on her identity” Video & Audio 08/29/23 2:07 PM EDT
Right-wing media predict Black support from Trump’s mug shot will win him the 2024 election Article 08/29/23 2:04 PM EDT
Fox’s antivax propagandists come out swinging against a new COVID-19 shot Article 08/29/23 12:56 PM EDT
Fox News radio host cheers on ranger plowing into climate activist blockade Video & Audio 08/29/23 11:16 AM EDT
Fox News’ Jesse Watters suggests government officials caused Maui wildfires as part of a conspiracy to raise property values Video & Audio 08/28/23 8:58 PM EDT
Fox News' Bret Baier runs COVID segment casting doubt on vaccine boosters and questioning the number of deaths reported Video & Audio 08/28/23 7:25 PM EDT
Fox News' Jesse Watters calls COVID-19 vaccine booster shots “a huge scam” Video & Audio 08/28/23 6:02 PM EDT
How the right ran with a Fox hoax about a Marine veteran’s burial Research/Study 08/28/23 5:41 PM EDT
Rudy Giuliani and OAN's Chanel Rion say that Fox News' Shokin claims are the same as what they did in Ukraine in 2019 Video & Audio 08/28/23 5:01 PM EDT
Rudy Giuliani says Fox News “wouldn't let” Sean Hannity interview Viktor Shokin Video & Audio 08/28/23 4:59 PM EDT
Fox News anchor asks why white supremacist-linked murders like in Jacksonville happen when Biden pledged to unite the country Video & Audio 08/28/23 2:07 PM EDT
Fox spent nearly 3 hours on its Viktor Shokin interview in rerun of its Ukraine disinformation campaign Article 08/28/23 2:00 PM EDT