Fox asks: “Autism Correlation Coverup? Vaccine claims rarely compensated by gov't” Video & Audio 09/25/10 2:03 PM EDT
Beck fearmongers that offering children healthy food choices will lead to imprisonment for eating fries Video & Audio 09/14/10 6:20 PM EDT
Self-proclaimed civil rights leader Glenn Beck's history of racially charged rhetoric Article 08/25/10 2:56 PM EDT
Beck and crew again ridicule the uninsured -- this time, the story of a 6-year-old with asthma Video & Audio 08/20/10 10:28 AM EDT
Comparing Prop. 8 judge to Emperor Nero just the latest in Wash. Times' anti-gay assault Article 08/09/10 11:13 PM EDT
Tony Perkins' fearmongering about same-sex parenting is refuted by medical consensus Article 08/08/10 5:07 PM EDT
Meet Breitbart's Sherrod writer: Racist sexual “expert” and inventor (who cured cancer) Article 08/05/10 2:06 PM EDT
Beck compares Obama to the snake in the Garden of Eden: “He will make the choices for you” Video & Audio 08/03/10 11:05 AM EDT