In order to get people motivated to combat climate change, it is extremely important for climate change reporting to discuss solutions to this challenge and actions that can be taken to prepare for it. However, corporate broadcast TV news coverage of climate solutions has historically been poor — in 2017 and 2018, when Media Matters began tracking solutions coverage, less than one-fifth of climate coverage on nightly and Sunday news shows on ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox Broadcasting Co.'s Fox News Sunday touched upon climate solutions. In 2021, these networks performed much better, as climate solutions made up 34% of climate coverage on nightly and Sunday news shows, though still less than 2019 when solution coverage peaked at 37% of total climate reporting.
In general, discussion of solutions should happen in tandem with the myriad climate impacts that make up the bulk of climate reporting on broadcast TV news. Coverage should center around solutions that are at scale with what is needed to reduce carbon emissions and avoid, or at least vet, solutions pushed by corporations and the fossil fuel industry, which often do little to tackle the root cause of warming.
For example, job creation and transitioning to clean energy were some of the biggest drivers of solutions coverage in 2021. In the five years that Media Matters has been analyzing climate solutions coverage on broadcast TV networks, the highest quality of climate coverage came in 2019 and 2021. And it was certainly a vast improvement over 2017, 2018, and 2020, when coverage was shallow and generally focused on presidential climate initiatives.