Fox & Friends host suggests Trump “run a private investigation” into personal lives of Democrats in Congress Video & Audio 02/07/19 8:09 AM EST
“Did you hear that, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?”: Fox has another socialism freakout after Trump’s State of the Union address Article 02/06/19 5:29 PM EST
Fox guest parrots Trump's claim that investigating him hurts the economy Video & Audio 02/06/19 12:30 PM EST
Fox contributor: Trump's State of the Union was “one of the best speeches I've ever heard in terms of reaching across the aisle” Video & Audio 02/06/19 10:24 AM EST
Fox Business host gushes over Trump's State of the Union: “The president delivered, I think, a message of unity.” Video & Audio 02/06/19 9:59 AM EST
Fox's Tom Homan: “Trump is going to be recognized as one of the greatest presidents of our generation, if not the greatest” Video & Audio 02/06/19 8:12 AM EST
Fox & Friends host on Trump's State of the Union: “It was hard not to applaud on maybe two-thirds of that speech if you are an American” Video & Audio 02/06/19 8:03 AM EST
Right-wing media attack Stacey Abrams after she delivers the Democratic response to the SOTU Article 02/05/19 11:26 PM EST
Far-right media smear Democratic women wearing suffragette white at State of the Union by comparing them to the KKK Article 02/05/19 10:54 PM EST
Fox commentators defend Trump for using executive time to tweet about their shows Article 02/05/19 1:12 PM EST
Bill O'Reilly is writing a “history book” about Donald Trump -- and Trump gave him exclusive access to help Article 02/05/19 12:37 PM EST
CNN analyst: The State of the Union address “could leave analysts saying that tonight was the night that Donald Trump finally became president” Video & Audio 02/05/19 11:38 AM EST
Fox & Friends ignores report on Trump properties firing undocumented workers in interview with Eric Trump Article 02/05/19 9:52 AM EST
Fox News host on Trump’s hours of “executive time”: “It sounds a lot like work” Video & Audio 02/04/19 8:39 PM EST
Trump seems poised to take Fox cabinet’s advice and declare national emergency for border wall funding Article 02/04/19 11:30 AM EST
Fox guest: Democrats should “embrace” Trump because while LBJ declared a war on poverty, Trump actually gave poor people jobs Video & Audio 02/04/19 9:04 AM EST
Jerome Corsi: Roger Stone is “pressuring me to change my testimony” and that may be witness tampering Video & Audio 02/01/19 11:53 AM EST