Post's Knight failed to identify conservative, anti-immigration sources for column on immigration Article 05/23/07 7:56 PM EDT
Media blasted Edwards for speech fee but omitted Giuliani speeches, Edwards' explanation Article 05/23/07 7:41 PM EDT
Limbaugh lashed out at Media Matters and NBC, having declined invitation from Today to respond Article 05/23/07 6:52 PM EDT
Carlson defended Giuliani's speeches as “selling ... talent,” attacked Edwards' speech as “soaking a public university” Article 05/23/07 2:47 PM EDT
SF Chronicle uncritically reported discredited, anti-gay “research” on same-sex parenting Article 05/23/07 12:17 PM EDT
SF Chronicle called Edwards' speech fee “whopping” but ignored Giuliani's much larger fees Article 05/22/07 4:41 PM EDT
Confronted by SPLC reps, Dobbs now denies his reporter made leprosy claim that he previously defended Article 05/18/07 5:22 PM EDT
On Boyles' show, Post's Knight promoted VDARE but omitted its “white nationalist” ties Article 05/17/07 8:57 PM EDT
CBS contributor Dobbs defends false leprosy claim after confrontation by CBS' Stahl Article 05/11/07 1:50 PM EDT
“I didn't do anything wrong”: Following Colorado Media Matters item, Boyles claimed he never saw or touted “Amazing Racist” video Article 05/01/07 2:42 PM EDT
Boyles promoted video featuring physical attacks and ethnic slurs against “Mexicans” Article 04/27/07 5:13 PM EDT
Olbermann: O'Reilly's “real anger and real fear rests in the dread that someone is quoting him correctly” Article 04/26/07 12:53 PM EDT
Wash. Times: "[H]as political correctness turned Robert E. Lee into a villain?" Article 04/25/07 4:33 PM EDT
MSNBC's O'Donnell failed to challenge false claim that Clinton haircut held up LAX Article 04/24/07 4:10 PM EDT