Fox host says infrastructure package would mean “the end of the American dream” Video & Audio 09/29/21 5:32 PM EDT
Fox host Will Cain suggests doctors have been “captured by groupthink” because they are recommending vaccines Video & Audio 09/29/21 3:36 PM EDT
Bear bile, vaping, and sunlight: A list of Fox News' supposed COVID-19 cures and treatments Research/Study 09/29/21 1:21 PM EDT
Fox’s “news side” anchor Bret Baier airs misleading graphs about crude oil and natural gas prices Article 09/29/21 10:32 AM EDT
Laura Ingraham: “It's almost always a lie” that hospitals “are being overwhelmed” Video & Audio 09/28/21 10:56 PM EDT
Chris Hayes lambastes Fox hosts for attacking vaccine and testing requirements on-air while quietly submitting to Fox’s requirements behind the scenes Video & Audio 09/28/21 10:26 PM EDT
Newsmax host attacks Fox News for treating conservatives “like pariahs” Video & Audio 09/28/21 6:26 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson fully embraced the white supremacist “replacement” theory – and Fox personalities are following his lead Research/Study 09/28/21 4:31 PM EDT
In discussions on the US southern border, right-wing media and fringe platforms share similar narratives Article 09/28/21 3:47 PM EDT
Fox’s antivax programming is a moral abomination, but at least it’s “great for ratings” Article 09/28/21 10:27 AM EDT
Sean Hannity: “I don't think any Republicans should vote to increase the debt ceiling” Video & Audio 09/27/21 10:17 PM EDT
Echoes of the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre in Tucker Carlson’s George Soros smear Article 09/27/21 12:15 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson attacks George Soros and his organization for assisting in refugee resettlement Video & Audio 09/24/21 9:13 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson says it’s immigrants, “not unvaccinated Americans who are clogging” emergency rooms Video & Audio 09/24/21 8:37 PM EDT
Fox contributor says we are living under “vaccine apartheid” between the vaccinated and unvaccinated Video & Audio 09/24/21 7:58 PM EDT
Fox covers late night shows’ “Climate Night” to deflect from coverage of the climate emergency Article 09/24/21 5:08 PM EDT
Fox News cares about the pandemic only when it can use it to fearmonger about immigration Article 09/24/21 1:18 PM EDT